"Hello, my name is Qi Lin. Do you have any other witnesses or suspicious persons?" Qi Lin asked the police chief.

"Sorry, sir, there are no witnesses while we are investigating. None of the jewelry store staff were present at the time of the crime. The only clue is the surviving camera.

"The police chief replied...

Qi Lin carefully observed the camera video and found that when the theft occurred, a man in a black jumpsuit and a mask appeared in the picture. He quickly walked to the display case, opened the door easily, and put the jewelry into a small bag. Qi Lin slowed down the video and noticed that the man was wearing a special watch on his wrist.

"This is a well-planned theft," Qi Lin said to himself. "I need to find this person as soon as possible and restore the value of the stolen jewelry."

Qi Lin returned to his office and began to carefully analyze various clues in the case. He reviewed all records of the jewelry store's employees, surveillance systems, and the events of the day. After detailed research, he decided to start with the jewelry store employees.

The next morning, Qi Lin returned to the jewelry store with a list. He conducted an individual interview with each employee, asking them if they had any clues or suspicious circumstances surrounding the theft.

While talking to an employee named Mary, Qi Lin noticed that she looked nervous and kept wiping sweat with her hands. He keenly captured this detail and decided to inquire further.

"Mary, have you noticed anything unusual happening in the jewelry store? Maybe a new employee or some strange behavior?" Qi Lin asked tentatively.

Mary hesitated, then whispered: "I did notice a new employee. His name is Jason, and he looks very mysterious. He always wears gloves and a mask, and he seems to be particularly interested in jewelry. 11

Qi Lin frowned slightly when he heard these words. He understood that this clue could be very important. He immediately recorded the name Jason and decided to conduct further investigation. After Qi Lin left the jewelry store, he went to the police registration office to find information about Jason.

After some searching, Qi Lin finally found the files about Jason. He discovered that Jason had similar theft records in other cities, and his methods were very unique, always leaving some kind of iconic clues. Qi Lin believes he has found the suspect in the jewelry theft case.

Next, Qi Lin began to track Jason's whereabouts. Through investigation, he learned that Jason had recently rented a warehouse in an abandoned factory near the city. Qi Lin decided to go there to search.

When Qi Lin arrived at the warehouse, he sneaked into it cautiously. He noticed that the interior of the warehouse was filled with various tools and equipment, and it looked like a place where stealing tools were manufactured. Qi Lin walked to the corner of the warehouse and found a safe hiding jewelry.

Just as Qi Lin was about to open the safe, a figure (De Zhao Hao) suddenly appeared from the darkness. Jason showed up.

"How did you find this place?" Jason asked angrily.

Qi Lin looked at him calmly, smiled and said: "Jason, I am a detective who specializes in tracking jewelry thefts. Your game ends here.

Jason was furious and tried to escape, but Qi Lin quickly pounced on him and successfully subdued him. Subsequently, the police arrived at the scene and put Jason in a police car. .

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