Back at the police station, Qi Lin and the police conducted a detailed interrogation of Jason. Faced with solid evidence and his detailed confession, Jason finally admitted his crime.

"I just wanted to live a wealthy life, so I chose to steal jewelry." Jason muttered in a low voice.

Qi Lin sighed deeply. He understood that every criminal had his own reasons and stories behind them. But for him, what matters is restoring the truth, protecting the innocent and upholding justice.

A few days later, with the help of the police, Qi Lin successfully returned the stolen jewelry to the jewelry store. The owner was very grateful and expressed his heartfelt thanks to Qi Lin.

"Mr. Qi, you are one of the best 357 detectives in our city. Without you, it would be difficult for us to imagine that these precious jewelry would be back in our hands." The shop owner said with emotion.

Qi Lin smiled modestly and said: "This is my responsibility and the job I love. As long as someone needs my help, I will do my best."

He has been investigating a poisoning case for several months, and now he has finally made a breakthrough. He sat down, organized his thoughts, and prepared to summon all relevant people for a report.

Qi Lin cleared his throat and began to tell the team members in the office about his latest discovery: "Hello everyone, after many days of investigation and analysis, I believe I have found clues to this poisoning case."

Everyone in the team stopped what they were doing and stared at Qi Lin, waiting for his detailed explanation.

"According to my investigation, this poisoning case was always committed by one person, and there are obvious connections between the victims in different locations." Qi Lin explained, "Moreover, the murderer was not in a hurry, he (or she) ) has an in-depth understanding of drugs. This case is related to a certain pharmaceutical company, and we need to investigate in depth."

A scientist named Li Na interjected: "Mr. Qi Lin, I am very familiar with this pharmaceutical company. They did conduct a study recently on a trial of a new type of drug. The side effects of this drug can be very serious. "

Qi Lin felt excited, knowing that this clue would lead him to the truth. He asked: "Li Na, can you provide me with more information about this drug? We need to understand its ingredients and possible effects."

Li Na nodded and took out the information she had prepared before. "This drug is an antibiotic called 'VX4'. According to internal company sources, this drug has made great breakthroughs in animal experiments, but has not yet been tested on humans."

Qi Lin thought for a moment and continued to ask: "So, do you have a background check on the employees of this pharmaceutical company? Is anyone motivated to participate in this poisoning case?"

Another investigator, Wang Qiang, replied: "We have launched a background investigation on employees and have not found any obvious motives, but one employee's behavior is suspicious.

"Oh? Please tell me more." Qi Lin said with great interest.

Wang Qiang handed the document in his hand to Qi Lin: "This is an employee named Chen Zhi. He has been working in the company for several years, but he has been acting very mysterious recently. He frequently comes in and out of the laboratory and has some unknown contacts. Identity people are connected.”

Qi Lin flipped through the documents and frowned slightly: "This is indeed suspicious. We need to investigate Chen Zhi to see if he is involved in this case. In addition, I also want to continue to conduct in-depth research on the drug to determine whether specific methods and targets of poisoning.”


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