The team members nodded in agreement and began to divide work and carry out their respective tasks. Qi Lin decided to interview Chen Zhi in person, hoping to get more useful clues from him.

Qi Lin knocked lightly on Chen Zhi's office door. After a while, the door slowly opened, and Chen Zhi had a surprised expression on his face.

"Mr. Qi? What's the matter?" Chen Zhi asked doubtfully.

"Mr. Chen Zhi, can we talk about it? Regarding the recent poisoning cases, I believe you may have some knowledge about it." Qi Lin said.

Chen Zhi seemed a little nervous, but still nodded and motioned for Qi Lin to enter his office. The office is simply decorated, with a row of test tubes and experimental equipment neatly placed on the table.

"Mr. Chen Zhi, I understand that you have been in and out of the laboratory frequently recently and have been in contact with some people. Are these behaviors related to the poisoning case?" Qi Lin asked bluntly.

Chen Zhi replied in a panic: "Mr. Qi, I did have contact with some people, but I don't know their true identities. They claimed to be senior management of drug companies and wanted me to provide detailed information about VX4. I Just an ordinary researcher who did not engage in any improper activities."

Qi Lin thought for a moment, and then asked: "Do you know more information about these people? Or what is their purpose of contacting you?"

Chen Zhi shook his head, looking a little helpless: "No, I just provided some basic ingredients and experimental results of some drugs in accordance with their requirements. They did not reveal much information about themselves, and I did not ask in-depth questions."

Qi Lin frowned and thought, and then said: "Mr. Chen Zhi, I believe you may have become a pawn in this case. These people used your professional knowledge to obtain drug information and use it for poisoning operations. But , I need you to cooperate with our investigation. If you have any other clues, evidence, or recognize anything suspicious, please be sure to report it.

After hearing this, Chen Zhi's face became solemn, and he felt the firmness and justice in Qi Lin's words. "Mr. Qi, I will fully cooperate with your investigation. Although I am not sure whether I can provide more useful information, I will try my best to help you find the truth."

Qi Lin nodded gently to express his gratitude. Then, he had a more detailed discussion with Chen Zhi, trying to get more information and possible clues about the poisoning case from him. Together they reviewed Chen Zhi's recent activity records and discussed the details of relevant experiments and drugs.

…0Please give me flowers…

After in-depth communication and analysis, Qi Lin gradually became convinced that these unidentified people were the masterminds behind the case. As a powerful antibiotic, VX4's side effects may cause severe poisoning symptoms and even death when used maliciously.

Qi Lin realized that time was running out, so he quickly returned to the investigation team and reported the content of his conversation with Chen Zhi to the team. Everyone was excited about the progress of the case and immediately devoted themselves to further investigation work.

A few days later, Qi Lin's investigation team collected more information about the poisoning case. After in-depth analysis, they finally locked in the murderer's identity and modus operandi.

According to the background investigation of team members, they found that a laboratory technician at the pharmaceutical company named Zhang Qiang had an obvious connection with Chen Zhi. Further investigation revealed Zhang Qiang's method of carrying out the poisoning operation: he used the information about the VX4 drug provided by Chen Zhi and tampered with the food supply chain. .

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