Qi Lin summoned team members to launch an arrest operation. They tracked Zhang Qiang's hiding place and successfully arrested him during a transaction. After interrogation, Zhang Qiang finally confessed his crime and admitted that he had poisoned for personal gain.

This time, his goal is to crack a large criminal network that sells animals.

In his office, Qi Lin began to sort out the case information. The board is covered with photos of "240", maps and various information. He stared at one of the photos, showing an endangered white lion.

Suddenly, the office door opened, and a young policeman knocked on the door and stood at the door tremblingly. "Sir, the Sheriff has sent me to assist you."

Qi Lin turned around and greeted the young man to come in with a smile. "Come in, young man. What's your name?"

"My name is Li Yuan." The young man replied.

"Nice to meet you, Li Yuan." Qi Lin said. “Our goal is to disrupt this criminal network of animal trafficking. They illegally acquire rare animals from all over the world and sell them on the black market. We must stop them.

Li Yuan looked at the case information and asked in surprise: "The scale of this network is really large, Mr. Qi. It seems that the task will not be easy."

"Yes, Li Yuan. This criminal network has been operating for many years." Qi Lin explained. "They use high-tech means to hide their whereabouts, which makes it more difficult to catch them. But we have some clues and several informants who cooperate with them."

"So, where should we start?" Li Yuan asked.

Qi Lin thought for a while and then replied: "We need to investigate the core members of this network in depth. We have the names and addresses of several people involved. We will investigate separately and try to contact their partners. We also need to obtain More evidence when arresting them to ensure they cannot escape justice.

Li Yuan nodded and agreed. He knew it would be a long and arduous task, but he was determined to give it his all.

In the following weeks, Qi Lin and Li Yuan worked hard to investigate, collect evidence, and contact informants. They held several secret meetings, obtained key information and discovered some hidden locations of the criminal network.

During a raid, Qi Lin and Li Yuan successfully destroyed an animal trading exchange... They rescued the kidnapped animals and arrested several traffickers.

However, this is just the tip of the iceberg. Qi Lin is well aware of the complexity of this criminal network and the difficulty of fighting it.

As they entered the next stage, Qi Lin received a secret report. It seems someone leaked their plan of action. This made them doubt whether there was a traitor within.

Qi Lin and Li Yuan began to do everything possible to find the traitor. They re-examined all investigative materials and leads and held multiple meetings with staff from other police departments to determine who had leaked their plans. After careful analysis, they suspected that one of the police officers might be involved.

Qi Lin decided to keep the news secret and only told a few trusted people. They continue their covert investigation, trying to collect more evidence to confirm the identity of the mole.

In this tense atmosphere, Qi Lin received an anonymous phone call. The voice on the phone was low and threatening: "Mr. Qi Lin, you have gone too far. It is best to give up your efforts, otherwise you will bear the consequences.

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