Qi Lin calmly replied: "I will not be swayed by threats. I will persist to the end and bring you and your accomplices to justice."

There was a burst of ridicule on the other end of the phone, and then the call was hung up. Despite some worries, Qi Lin became more determined to successfully destroy this criminal network.

A few days later, Qi Lin and Li Yuan finally found key evidence and confirmed that the suspected police officer was the mole. They took immediate action, temporarily detained the policeman and notified the chief.

With the arrest of the mole, the entire criminal network began to be in turmoil. They sensed they were being infiltrated and began tightening security measures. Qi Lin and Li Yuan realized that time was running out and they must launch the final blow as soon as possible.

Through the information provided by the informant, they learned that the key transaction 30 would be conducted in an abandoned warehouse. Qi Lin and Li Yuan planned a precise raid, hoping to destroy the criminal network in one fell swoop.

When night fell, Qi Lin and Li Yuan quietly approached the warehouse. They moved through shadows in the darkness, carefully avoiding guards and surveillance equipment. Finally, they arrived at the target location.

Suddenly, a bright flash illuminated the entire warehouse, and sirens filled the air. Criminal networks have discovered their operations.

A fierce battle began. Qi Lin and Li Yuan launched a fierce confrontation with criminals. They cleverly used their skills and training to quickly defuse the criminals' attacks.

With a careful plan, they successfully destroyed the illegal trade in the warehouse and rescued the imprisoned animals. The support force of the police station subsequently arrived and arrested the remaining criminals.

In the late autumn forest, the leaves gradually turned golden, and the breeze blew by, making a rustling sound. This is a very peaceful and beautiful place, however, suddenly a loud noise broke the tranquility.

Qi Lin, a young and keen detective, rushed to the scene after hearing the news. He was wearing a black suit, with a focused expression on his face and a smart light shining in his eyes. He quickly approached the cordon and headed to the crime scene.

There, a towering tree was stolen and cut into two sections, with traces of blood and ax still remaining on the stump. Surrounded by a mess of leaves and cut branches, it was obvious that someone had gone through a fierce struggle.

Qi Lin observed the scene carefully, squatted down and touched the broken tree trunk with his fingers. He frowned, thinking about the puzzle.

At this time, a policeman came over, looked at Qi Lin and said: "Mr. Qi, this is the third case of tree cutting that we have discovered. It is a similar situation every time, but we have been unable to find the murderer."

Qi Lin nodded, knowing the importance of this case. Trees are vital to the ecological balance of the forest, and these 443 sudden felling behaviors are bringing serious threats to the entire ecosystem.

"Have you found any witnesses or other clues?" Qi Lin asked.

The police shook their heads: "We have not found any witnesses yet, and there are no reliable clues. We have retrieved nearby surveillance videos, but we have seen nothing."

Qi Lin thought for a moment, and then said: "I need to further investigate the scene and surrounding areas, and maybe I can find some valuable clues. Please contact me as soon as possible if there are any latest developments."

The policeman nodded and left the scene, leaving Lin alone. .

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