Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

580: It’S Called The Golden Winged Tree

Qi Lin began to continue searching at the scene, carefully observing every detail. He noticed that the felled tree must be quite old, and there were obvious growth rings on the trunk. He observed carefully along the growth rings of the tree trunk, and suddenly he discovered something unusual.

On one of the growth rings of the tree trunk, there was a scratch that looked like it had been scratched by a sharp weapon. Qi Lin gently touched the notch with his fingers, feeling its depth and shape. He suddenly had an idea, maybe this mark could bring him some clues.

Qi Lin decided to hand over this notch to a laboratory technician for analysis to see if he could find some important information. He dusted himself off, walked out of the crime scene, and prepared to go to the police station.

Back at the police station, Qi Lin handed the notch to the laboratory technician, and at the same time asked the police to provide relevant information and investigation records about the case. He knew that before solving this case of illegal tree felling, he needed to have a comprehensive understanding of the entire case.

A few days later, while waiting for the result, Qi Lin carefully studied the historical records of the case. He found that each crime occurred in a different forest area, and the time interval between the incidents was relatively long. This made him suspect that these illegal cutting activities were not accidental, but had a certain purpose.

While Qi Lin was thinking about the case, the laboratory technician brought the analysis results. He told Qi Lin that a special kind of wood particles was found in the notches. This kind of wood is not common in the local area. What is even more surprising is that it belongs to a rare tree species and is listed as a protected plant.

This discovery attracted great attention from Qi Lin. He realized that this might be the key clue behind the tree-cutting case. Qi Lin began to investigate this rare tree species and contacted local botanists and environmental organizations.

After some investigation, Qi Lin learned that this tree species is called "Golden Wing Tree". It is highly durable and beautiful, so it is very popular in the market. However, due to slow growth and limited quantity, The golden-winged tree has been listed as an endangered species and is strictly protected.

Qi Lin conducted an in-depth study of the ecological characteristics of the golden-winged tree and learned that it only grows in specific geographical environments. He began to communicate with the police to conduct a more detailed analysis of the case and look for clues related to the golden wing tree.

Through another review of the case, Qi Lin finally found a breakthrough. He noticed that every case of tree felling occurred not far from the golden wing tree's habitat. This aroused his interest, and he began to wonder whether someone was using these cases to cover up the illegal logging of gold-winged trees.

Qi Lin decided to go to the Golden Winged Tree Nature Reserve to conduct a personal investigation. There he met an enthusiastic reserve staff member and learned that some strange people had been frequently entering and exiting the reserve recently, and their behavior was very suspicious.

Qi Lin conducted an in-depth investigation, collected relevant information about these people, and found that several of them were related to timber management and sales. They seem to be using tree poaching cases to cover up the illegal logging and trafficking of gold-winged trees.

With the cooperation of the police, Qi Lin launched a secret operation. (Qian Dezhao) They raided the hiding place of these suspicious people one night and successfully captured a row of criminals who were illegally harvesting the golden wing tree.

Detective Qi Lin stood at the crime scene and looked around. His eyes were fixed on the sewage outlet, considering the details of the case. This sewage discharge case has troubled local residents for a long time, threatening the ecological environment, and the city government has been helpless. As a detective who upholds justice, Qi Lin decided to uncover the truth of this case. .

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