He began looking for clues, carefully examining the soil and vegetation near the sewer pipes. Suddenly, a female voice came from behind: "Are you Detective Qi Lin? I heard that you are investigating this sewage case."

Qi Lin turned around and saw a young woman in work clothes holding a folder in her hand. "Yes, I am Qi Lin." He walked towards her with a smile, "Who are you?"

"I am Chen Ya, an environmental protection volunteer in this area." Chen Ya handed him the folder, "I have collected some information, which may be helpful to you."

Qi Lin took the folder and opened it to read. It contains a large amount of data and photos about sewage discharge in the area. 740 "This information is really useful Chen Ya. Thank you for your support." He expressed his gratitude to her.

A smile appeared on Chen Ya's face, "I just hope to make some contribution to the community. We residents are fed up with this environmental problem."

Qi Lin thought for a moment and said: "Based on these data, I found that this sewage outlet was used late at night, and the discharge amount was very large each time. It seems that someone used the dark night to cover up their tracks."

"Yes, many residents have heard strange sounds and water flowing near the sewage outlet late at night." Chen Ya added.

(daaf) Qi Lin frowned, "Then the question is, who has the motive to do this? Is it a certain factory or enterprise?"

"The possibility is very high. I have investigated the surrounding industrial areas, but found no conclusive evidence." Chen Ya replied with a frown.

Qi Lin began to think about other clues: "Is there anyone in this area who has benefited from this case? Or is there someone trying to cover up their own violations?"

Chen Ya shook her head, "No relevant clues have been found yet. However, I heard that a factory recently made large-scale production adjustments.

"Who is this factory? Why do they need to make adjustments?" Qi Lin asked.

Chen Ya thought for a moment and replied: "This factory is called Kangtai Chemical Factory. They have recently started to transform and are said to be adding new product lines. Maybe their pollution discharge behavior is related to this.

Qi Lin kept this information in his mind. "We need to further investigate Kangtai Chemical Plant to see if there is any connection. Chen Ya, are you willing to help me investigate together?"

Chen Ya nodded without hesitation, "Of course I am willing. I will try my best to provide support."

They decided to immediately go to Kangtai Chemical Factory to investigate. After arriving at the target Kangtai Chemical Factory, Qi Lin and Chen Ya saw a busy scene. Workers in work clothes shuttle back and forth, and the roar of machines fills the air. The two walked into the building, looking for an office where they could get more information.

They knocked on a door, and inside sat a middle-aged man in a suit who seemed to be a senior employee of the factory. "Hello, I am Detective Qi Lin, and this is Chen Ya."

The middle-aged man stood up, smiled and stretched out his hand: "I am Li Wenkai, the manager of Kangtai Chemical Plant. Please tell me if you have anything."

Qi Lin stated his purpose without hesitation: "We are here to investigate the sewage discharge case. Has your factory made any production adjustments recently?"

Li Wenkai frowned, "Yes, we have indeed made some adjustments. We are adding new product lines and introducing more environmentally friendly production technologies to comply with government requirements.

Qi Lin continued to ask: "Do these adjustments involve the sewage discharge behavior of Kangtai Chemical Plant? We have collected some data showing that some people use late night hours to discharge large amounts of sewage

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