Li Wenkai looked a little nervous, "I can assure you that Kangtai Chemical Plant does not discharge wastewater illegally. We have always complied with environmental protection requirements, and our new technology can reduce emissions."

Chen Ya interjected: "We have collected many testimonies from residents who heard the sound of water flowing and strange noises late at night. Can you explain this?"

Li Wenkai pondered for a moment and then replied: "Maybe it's because we need to clean the equipment more frequently as we adjust the production process. But we will always do it according to the prescribed time period to reduce the impact on the surrounding environment."

Qi Lin observed Li Wenkai's expression and felt that there was still a lot of information being concealed. "Sir, please allow us to investigate further to determine if there are other clues." He requested.

Li Wenkai looked a little dissatisfied, but finally nodded in agreement: "Okay, since you are here for justice, I will fully cooperate with your investigation."

In the next few days, Qi Lin and Chen Ya conducted an in-depth investigation into the production process, sewage system and related records of Kangtai Chemical Plant. They collected water and soil samples and sent them to professional laboratories for analysis.

While waiting for the results, Qi Lin and Chen Ya continued to visit the case site and surrounding residents to collect more testimonies about late-night sewage discharge. They also contacted the local environmental protection department for assistance.

Finally, the laboratory results came out. Data showed that a large number of illegally discharged substances were detected in sewage samples, and these substances were produced by Kangtai Chemical Plant.

Qi Lin and Chen Ya approached Kangtai Chemical Factory again with this key evidence. Faced with the conclusive facts, Li Wenkai finally admitted his violations.

"I was blinded by profit." Li Wenkai sighed. "Our new product line does not fully comply with environmental standards. In order to quickly expand production scale and increase profits, I decided to temporarily bypass the sewage pipes and conduct illegal emissions. I thought no one would find out."

Qi Lin looked at Li Wenkai seriously, "Your actions have caused serious harm to local residents and the ecological environment. You must be responsible for your illegal actions."

"I am willing to cooperate with the investigation, explain the facts to the relevant departments, and take measures to correct it." Li Wenkai showed regret.

…Please give me flowers…

Qi Lin nodded in approval and told him, "Your cooperation will help restore the truth and help repair the damaged environment. But at the same time, you also need to bear legal responsibility."

Qi Lin contacted the local environmental protection department and submitted the investigation results and evidence to them. After judicial proceedings, Kangtai Chemical Plant was forced to stop illegal emissions and received corresponding fines and penalties. At the same time, factories are also required to take measures to restore and improve the surrounding ecological environment.


Detective Qi Lin walked into the office, holding a thick document in his hand. He sat down and began to sort out the information. There is an old typewriter and a cup of cold coffee on the table.

Assistant Xiaoli came in and handed him a cup of hot coffee, then sat on the chair opposite and said, "Mr. Qi, I heard that you cracked that fraud case, that's amazing!"

Qi Lin smiled and nodded: "Yes, this case is indeed not easy, but in the end there is a result.

Xiaoli asked curiously: "Can you tell me how you found the clue?".

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