Qi Lin raised his head, looked at Xiaoli and said seriously: "It all started with an anonymous phone call." He continued: "I was working in the office that day, and suddenly received a call from a mysterious person. He claimed to know about a case Major fraud cases and are willing to provide clues."

Xiaoli asked in surprise: "Then how do you judge whether he is telling the truth?"

Qi Lin took a deep breath and continued: "I used the voiceprint analysis "230" technology to compare the recording of the anonymous phone call with the known suspect's voice. The results showed that the mysterious person's The voice was particularly similar to one of the suspects."

Xiaoli's eyes widened: "That's amazing! What happens next?"

Qi Lin said with a smile: "I immediately summoned my team and started an in-depth investigation of the case. We carefully analyzed the suspect's background, whereabouts, and items involved in the case. Through multiple visits and inquiries, we gradually found some flaws .”

Xiaoli asked curiously: "What went wrong?"

Qi Lin closed the document, looked at Xiaoli and said: "First of all, we discovered the connection between the people involved in the case. They have a lot in common, and these commonalities were covered up very cleverly in the case. Secondly, we Some unreasonable transaction records were found from bank account flows and other aspects."

Xiaoli said in surprise: "Then how did you determine the method of fraud?"

Qi Lin narrowed his eyes: "We found that shortly after the case, several suspects purchased a batch of highly simulated artworks and conducted huge transactions. This aroused our suspicion, so we invited Let professional appraisers conduct inspection.”

Xiaoli listened with great interest: "What is the result?"

Qi Lin said with a smile: "After professional appraisal, all these artworks were proven to be forgeries. This confirmed our suspicion that the entire case was a large-scale financial fraud under the guise of forged artworks."

Xiaoli sighed: "What a genius way to solve the case! What did you do after that?"

Qi Lin pondered for a moment and continued: "We reported this information to the relevant departments and assisted them in further investigation. With their cooperation, we traced part of the flow of funds and revealed the identities of several people involved. At the same time, ,We have also contacted art experts and appraisal institutions at home and abroad to carefully examine other suspicious artworks.0"

Xiaoli asked curiously: "How did you find those factories that make fake art?"

Qi Lin explained with a smile: "During the investigation of the suspects, we found a key clue that they had cooperated with an art production factory. Through in-depth investigation and tracking, we finally locked in this The location of the factory.”

Xiaoli sighed: "It's really not easy! How did you collect enough evidence to charge the suspect?"

Qi Lin said firmly: "We organized a secret operation, searched the factory, and found a large number of counterfeit artworks, related transaction records, and communication documents. These have become important evidence for us to charge the suspects. "

Xiaoli said with admiration: "You have really done a lot of work! In the end, were these suspects arrested?"

Qi Lin nodded: "Yes, we submitted all the evidence to the police and provided a detailed investigation report. After their further investigation and interrogation, the people involved were eventually arrested and punished by law."

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