One day, a large-scale explosion occurred, and the whole city fell into panic. Qi Lin was dispatched to the scene to investigate.

When Qi Lin rushed to the scene of the explosion, he saw chaos. Police are cordoning off the scene, firefighters are working to extinguish the remaining flames, and ambulance crews are providing first aid to injured people. All this made Qi Lin feel worried.

Qi Lin began to observe the scene carefully. He noticed that the location of the explosion was a commercial building and an office area. There was a scrapped safe placed at the door of the office, and there were obvious signs of explosions on the surrounding walls. Qi Lin decided to find the director of the office for questioning first, hoping to get some useful clues from him.

Qi Lin quickly found the supervisor, named Li Xiaoming. He is a young and capable professional manager. Qi Lin walked up to him and said with a smile: "Mr. Li, I am Qi Lin, the detective in charge of this investigation. I would like to ask you to help us analyze the reasons for the explosion."

Li Xiaoming looked very anxious. He replied: "Mr. Qi, I really don't know what happened. Last night, I left the office after get off work as usual and didn't find anything unusual. This morning, I received a call from the police station saying that here There was an explosion."

Qi Lin observed Li Xiaoming's expression and found that he seemed a little nervous, but there was no obvious suspicion. He continued to ask: "Did you notice any suspicious characters or strange things last night?"

After Li Xiaoming thought for a moment, he shook his head and said, "To be honest, I didn't notice anything unusual. I locked the door and left as usual, and I didn't see anyone wandering around the office."

Qi Lin nodded, expressing understanding. He decided to further investigate inside the office, hoping to find some clues. He walked into the office and looked around. The items in the office were messy, with various files and folders scattered on the table. Qi Lin began to search carefully, hoping to find some useful clues.

While Qi Lin was searching in earnest, a policeman came in. Seeing Qi Lin, he quickly walked towards him and handed him a note. Qi Lin took the note, which read: "If you find a suspicious person, please go downstairs as soon as possible."

Qi Lin hurriedly left the office and went down the stairs to the parking lot. There, he saw in the parking lot, Qi Lin saw a policeman talking to a suspect. The suspect is a young man wearing a black coat and sunglasses who looks very nervous.

Qi Lin approached and introduced himself: "Hello, I am Qi Lin, detective. Are you the person suspected of being related to the bombing?"

The suspect nodded nervously, but did not speak. Qi Lin observed that he seemed to have a lot to say, but he did not dare to reveal it easily.

Qi Lin asked tentatively: 140 "Can you tell me your name? Or explain why you are here?"

The suspect hesitated for a moment and finally said his name: "My name is Zhang Heng."

Qi Lin noticed that Zhang Heng's voice was trembling. He knew that he needed to stay calm at this moment in order to obtain more useful information. He continued to ask: "Mr. Zhang Heng, can you tell me your whereabouts when the bombing occurred?"

Zhang Heng's eyes began to wander, and he was obviously thinking about how to answer this question. Finally, he said softly: "I was drinking coffee in a nearby cafe. After the explosion, I heard a huge noise, and then I ran out quickly to see what happened.".

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