Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

585: Very Close To The Office Building

Qi Lin noticed a hint of nervousness and uncertainty in Zhang Heng's tone. He asked further: "Can you find witnesses in the coffee shop to corroborate your statement? Or did anyone see you escaping from the office building?"

Zhang Heng shook his head: "No one I know is there, and there are no other unusual things happening in the coffee shop, so no one notices me."

Qi Lin felt that the matter was not simple, so he decided to take a more direct approach to the inquiry: "Mr. Zhang Heng, why were you stopped by the police at the scene of the explosion? Is there anything that made the police suspect that you were related to the case? ?”

Zhang Heng seemed even more nervous, and he replied in a panic: "I...I don't know. Maybe it's because I am very close to the office building, but I assure you, I have nothing to do with this explosion!"

Qi Lin observed Zhang Heng's emotional changes and realized that maybe Zhang Heng really didn't know what happened, but further investigation was still needed to confirm. He decided to take Zhang Heng back to the police station for detailed interrogation.

In the police station, Qi Lin began to conduct more in-depth questioning of Zhang Heng. With a patient and serious expression, he tried to dig out the truth of the incident from Zhang Heng.

Qi Lin asked at the beginning: "Mr. Zhang Heng, do you have any motive to participate in this bombing? Or do you know anyone related to this case?"

Zhang Heng's expression became more nervous, but he answered firmly: "I swear I know nothing about this bombing! I have no motive to participate in it, and I don't know anyone related to this case."

Qi Lin continued to ask: "Have you ever received any threats or suffered malicious attacks? Is it possible that someone retaliated against you or framed you?"

Zhang Heng thought for a moment and then replied: "I'm not sure. I did feel like someone was watching me from behind recently, but I thought it was just my illusion."

Qi Lin thought for a while, and a new guess came into his mind. He continued to ask: "Mr. Zhang Heng, can you tell me about your recent actions and interpersonal relationships? Maybe we can find some clues from it."

Zhang Heng began to describe his daily life and work situation. He explained that he was an ordinary employee working as a clerk in the office building. His life circle is relatively small and he does not have many social contacts except colleagues.

Qi Lin noticed that Zhang Heng mentioned a colleague named Li Xi. According to him, Li Xi was quite respected and talented in the company and directly managed the operations of the office. Qi Lin decided to interview Li Xi to learn more about the situation.

During the conversation with Li Xi, Qi Lin noticed that he showed some unnatural hesitation. He asked tentatively: "Mr. Li, what do you think of Zhang Heng? Do you think he may be related to the bombing?"

Li Xi replied nervously: "Zhang Heng is an ordinary employee. I have not seen any suspicious behavior on his part. However, I did notice some strange things happening recently, but I can't be sure whether it is related to him. ( King Li’s)”

Qi Lin keenly caught the key point in Li Xi's words and continued to ask: "Can you tell me the health status of these strange things? Or has anyone ever threatened you or tried to frame you?"

Li Xi pondered for a moment and then replied: "Recently, I have received some anonymous letters involving company secrets and my personal privacy. This made me feel very uneasy and made me wonder if someone wanted to frame me or leak the company's secrets. ."

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