Qi Lin frowned slightly and began to connect these clues together. He realized that the explosion might be related to some kind of conspiracy within the company, and both Zhang Heng and Li Xi seemed to be victims.

During further investigation, Qi Lin discovered an important clue and decided to make it public.

Qi Lin summoned all relevant personnel and showed them a copy of the anonymous letter. The letter revealed corruption within the company and the alleged corruption of a senior executive.

Qi Lin's voice was loud and firm: "Based on our investigation and this anonymous letter, I believe that this explosion is closely related to corruption within the company. Mr. Zhang Heng and Mr. Li Xi were both involved in this incident. victims, not suspects.

Qi Lin turned his attention to everyone: "We suspect that this explosion was to cover up corruption within the company. When the explosion occurred, someone may have intended to destroy evidence related to corruption."

After hearing these words, everyone showed surprised expressions. They begin to recall a series of strange recent events, including the receipt of anonymous letters, the feeling of surveillance, and the occurrence of a fall.

Qi Lin continued: "We will continue to conduct in-depth investigations [to find out the real mastermind]. I need everyone to provide any possible clues or evidence areas that have also suffered similar threats."

Everyone began to actively cooperate and gradually revealed more information. One employee recalled seeing a suspicious vehicle around the building, while another mentioned hearing whispers in the stairwell.

Qi Lin recorded these key clues and told everyone that their cooperation was crucial. He encouraged everyone to remain vigilant and ensure their own safety.

After a period of investigation and analysis, Qi Lin and his team finally revealed the mastermind behind the explosion. It turned out that this was a corruption case planned by senior managers of the company to destroy evidence related to it.

The detective team under the leadership of Qi Lin successfully brought those involved to justice and uncovered the entire incident.

The case occurred near the dock of a small city. The smuggling group was suspected of smuggling a large amount of contraband into and out of the domestic market. After Qi Lin received this task, he immediately launched an investigation

In the first step, Qi Lin went to the local police station and met with the criminal police captain in charge of the case. The captain told him that they had successfully arrested several gangsters, but lacked conclusive evidence to catch the mastermind. Qi Lin said he would do his best to find clues and decided to enter the country from the source of the contraband.

He first went to the industrial area of ​​​​the city, where there was a polluting chemical factory that was said to be related to a smuggling group. Qi Lin transformed into an ordinary worker and mingled with the work of the factory. Through observation and communication with colleagues, he discovered a suspicious employee named Li Yang.

Qi Lin found an opportunity to talk to Li Yang. He approached him as a regular employee with a passion for a difficult job. During a lunch break, he asked quietly: "I heard that you know how to find special things from outside?"

Li Yang showed a surprised expression: "How did you know?"

Qi Lin smiled and said: "I noticed that you often come into contact with some strange people in the factory, and I also saw that you secretly conducted some transactions."

After Li Yang was silent for a moment, his eyes became alert: "Who are you? Why are you interested in this matter?".

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