Qi Lin answered frankly: "I am a detective responsible for investigating smuggling cases in this city. If you are willing to help me, I can ensure that you are out of the sanction of the law and your identity is kept secret."

Li Yang thought for a while and finally nodded: "Well, I did participate in some smuggling activities, but I don't know who is behind the scenes. I am just a small role.

Qi Lin expressed understanding to Li Yang and then began to cooperate with him to collect more information about the smuggling group. They discovered that the contraband was transported by sea at the terminal and then distributed to various locations by a small freight company.

They learned that the owner of this small freight company was a man named Mahan, who was said to be inextricably linked to the smuggling group. Qi Lin decided to talk directly to Ma Han in order to get more H clues from him.

One night, Qi Lin quietly came outside Mahan's office and prepared some evidence and questions. When he met Mahan, he showed evidence so that the other party could not deny the existence of smuggling activities.

Qi Lin responded calmly: "I am not alone. I have the support of the entire police agency. Put down your illusions, you have been targeted by us."

Mahan's expression gradually became tense, but he still tried to remain calm: "You don't have any evidence to accuse me. You only rely on some guesses and assumptions. Do you think I will admit it easily?"

"We already have enough evidence and we are just waiting to bring you to justice." Qi Lin said firmly.

Mahan obviously felt helpless. He knew that the chance of escape was very slim. After a period of silence, he finally spoke: "Okay, I can provide you with some information, but the premise is to protect my safety and freedom."

Qi Lin nodded and agreed: "As long as you provide true and valid information and help us arrest other people involved in the case, we will protect your rights and interests."

Mahan began to explain his cooperative relationship with the smuggling group, revealing the identity of some of the masterminds and the detailed process of the transaction. After further investigation and tracking, Qi Lin tracked down the core figure of this smuggling group, a businessman named Chen Zhiyuan.

Qi Lin worked with Ma Han to design a sophisticated capture operation. In the darkness, the police dispatched a large number of manpower and captured the members of the smuggling group. In the end, Chen Zhiyuan was also successfully arrested.

…0Please give me flowers…………

On this day, when he received a request to investigate a murder case, he knew he was facing a challenging task.

Qi Lin came to the scene of the case, a luxurious villa. The police have cordoned off the entire area, but Qi Lin is not bound by these restrictions. He stepped into the villa and began to observe carefully.


The room was filled with a strong smell of blood, and various murder weapons and debris were scattered on the floor. The body of a young woman lay on the floor, her face pale and her eyes dull. Qi Lin lowered his head and began to observe the wounds on her body.

Suddenly, he noticed a strange-looking decoration on the wall. This is a small box inlaid with gems, which is obviously an important clue. Qi Lin carefully took it off and inspected it carefully.

As he was trying to unlock the box, a young woman walked into the room. She looked anxious and anxious, obviously a relative of the deceased. .

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