"Mr. Qi, are you the legendary detective Qi Lin? I am the victim's sister, and my name is Lin Wanping. I am eager to find the murderer and seek justice for my sister

Lin Wanping said with tears in her eyes.

Qi Lin put down the box in his hand, smiled and comforted her and said: "Don't worry, I will go all out to solve this case. Now, please tell me everything about your sister

No matter how small the details are, they are important. I

Lin Wanping sat down tremblingly and began to recount the last meeting with her sister. According to her description, her sister Lian'er is an outstanding painter and talented. The two of them had planned to hold an art exhibition in the villa to celebrate Lian'er's success.

"We have been planning together for a long time, and everything seemed perfect. But last night, when I returned to the villa, I discovered all this..." Lin Wanping choked with tears.

Qi Lin patted her shoulder comfortingly, and then asked: "Do you know anyone who might have a grudge against your sister? Or someone who is very jealous of her paintings?"

Lin Wanping thought for a moment and then replied: "To tell you the truth, although Lian'er is very popular in the art world, she has always had good relationships with people. She has never had a dispute with anyone and has no enemies.

Qi Lin frowned slightly, thinking about Lin Wanping's words. He knows that every case has its hidden clues, especially murder cases. To find the truth, every possibility must be carefully analyzed.

"Ms. Lin, perhaps we need to delve deeper into your sister's life and relationships. Is there anyone who may have resented or felt jealousy towards her? Please tell me any details that may be relevant to this case, no matter how seemingly How tiny.

Lin Wanping pondered for a moment, and then said: "Lian'er met a potential buyer before the art exhibition, and he was very interested in her works. Lian'er once mentioned his name, Shen Kai. But this was only short-lived. Contact, I'm not sure if that had anything to do with her death."

Qi Lin's eyes flashed, and this new information aroused his interest. He immediately recorded Shen Kai's name and expressed his gratitude to Lin Wanping.

"Ms. Lin, please rest assured that I will do my best to pursue this clue... I also need you to provide some detailed information about the exhibition, including the exhibitors, security measures, and whether anyone else has entered the villa. This information is very important for my investigation. Very important."

Lin Wanping handed Qi Lin a list of exhibitors for the art exhibition and described in detail the security measures for that night. She also added that no one else entered the villa except the two sisters and the participating artists.

Qi Lin took the list and began to carefully study each participating artist. He noticed that one of the names aroused his interest——Shen Kai. He decided to investigate the death in depth first.

Qi Lin contacted the police's technical department and asked them to help find Shen Kai's contact information and background information. While waiting for the result of 0.7, he continued to inspect the scene. Observing the layout of the room carefully, he suddenly discovered that the paint color on a section of wall seemed different from the surroundings.

He approached the wall and tapped lightly. The sound is different from other walls. Qi Lin's heart moved. After removing the wallpaper, he discovered a hidden room. The room had apparently been used as a hiding place. .

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