Qi Lin carefully entered the room and inspected it carefully. He found a computer and some folders containing a large number of photos and works of art about Lian Er. These documents hint at a secret, a secret that Lian'er has never revealed to anyone.

At this moment, news came from the police's technical department. They successfully found Shen Kai's contact information and background information. Qi Lin thanked them and called Shen Kai immediately.

"Hello, I am Detective Qi Lin. I want to talk to you about Lin Lian'er. Can you please come to the police station to cooperate with the investigation?

Shen Kai's voice seemed a little nervous. He agreed to Qi Lin's request and agreed to go to Police Station 30 to cooperate with the investigation. Soon after, Shen Kai appeared at the police station.

Qi Lin and Shen Kai sat in a quiet interrogation room. Qi Lin observed Shen Kai's expression and behavior, trying to find any unusual signs.

"Mr. Shen, I believe you have some unique knowledge of Lin Lian'er. Can you describe to me your contact with her and your appreciation of her works?

Shen Kai cleared his throat slightly nervously, and then began to recall the brief exchange with Lian'er.

"I once saw Lian'er's work at a gallery exhibition. Her painting skills were excellent and gave people an indescribable emotional impact. I was deeply attracted by it, so I tried to contact her. We met several times, I expressed my love and appreciation for her works to her. But this was only a brief communication and we had no further contact.

Qi Lin felt that Shen Kai's answer was a bit too concise and seemed to be hiding something. He decided to keep asking.

"Mr. Shen, please answer frankly [Have you ever felt strong jealousy towards Lian'er's car work? Or have you ever had a dispute or unpleasant communication with her? These details are very important for us to solve this mystery."

Shen Kai was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head, as if thinking about how to answer. Finally, he raised his head, with a bit of uneasiness in his eyes.

"In fact, I must admit that I used to feel envious of Lian'er's talent and success. I also tried to express my thoughts, but she always maintained a friendly and distant distance. This made me feel lost and frustrated , but I never thought of doing anything to hurt her!

Qi Lin noticed the emotional changes in Shen Kai's words, which further deepened his suspicion of Shen Kai. But he also understood that “more evidence is needed to confirm whether Shen Kai is related to the case.

"Mr. Shen, thank you for your cooperation. I will continue to investigate this case, and you may also need to leave your contact information so that we can contact you if we need further explanation. N530 Shen Kai left his contact information slightly uneasily method, and stood up and left the interrogation room. Qi Lin pondered, and he felt that the mystery of the case was gradually unraveling, but there were still some important clues that needed to be found to finally reveal the truth.

Qi Lin returned to the crime scene and checked the clues in the hidden rooms and boxes again. He noticed that there was a deleted photo in a folder showing a photo of a man from Lin Lian'er's store in front of the villa.

Carefully observing the characteristics of the characters in the photos, Qi Lin began to suspect that this man was related to Shen Kai. He saved the photo to his phone and prepared for further investigation. .

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