Next, Qi Lin decided to dig deeper into the relationship between Shen Kai and Lin Lian'er. He checked the police database and found more information about Shen Kai. It turns out that Shen Kai is a successful businessman with multiple companies and wealth. However, Qi Lin noticed that a few years ago, Shen Kai was in trouble due to economic problems and lost some business opportunities.

This discovery aroused Qi Lin's interest. He began to trace Shen Kai's past, looking for any clues related to Lin Lian'er. During the investigation, Qi Lin contacted the organizer of the exhibition

And ask for the contact information of other participating artists.

Through communication with other participating artists, Qi Lin learned a fact that surprised him: each participating artist had received an anonymous letter, which contained malicious criticism and threats against Lin Lian'er's works. This made him realize that someone might be jealous of Lin Lian'er and intend to harm her.

Qi Lin launched further investigation, hoping to find the sender of the anonymous letter. He contacted the technical team responsible for email tracking, hoping to find some clues from these letters.

After some hard work, the technical team finally successfully tracked the location where the anonymous letter was sent. What surprised Qi Lin was that the sending address was the same as Shen Kai's company address.

Now, all clues point to Shen Kai. Qi Lin decided to contact Shen Kai again to see his reaction when faced with these evidences.

"Mr. Shen, we have new clues about the anonymous letters from the art exhibition, which have been traced back to your company address. Please explain this situation. 11

Shen Kai showed a sly smile, and then took a deep breath.

"Okay, Detective Qi Lin, I admit that I was once jealous of Lin Lian'er's success and talent. Her artistic work is amazing, but I am in trouble in business. I feel that her success comes too easily, so I decided to use an anonymous letter to undermine her self-confidence so that she could no longer show her talent. But I never thought of hurting her, let alone killing her!

Qi Lin witnessed Shen Kai's confession and remorse. Although he admitted his jealousy and behavior, it does not directly prove that he was related to Lin Lian'er's death.

"Mr. Shen, your confession is an important development, but we still need more evidence to determine whether you are related to Lin Lian'er's death. Please cooperate with our investigation and provide your call records, emails and Other relevant information. This will help us ultimately find the truth." and

Shen Kai nodded and expressed his willingness to cooperate with the investigation. Qi Lin returned to the police station with Shen Kai's call records, emails and other information and began an in-depth analysis.

After careful study, Qi Lin discovered some interesting details. In the weeks before Lin Lian'er's disappearance, the frequency of calls between Shen Kai and her increased significantly, and their email exchanges became more intensive. This aroused Qi Lin's suspicion.

Further investigation revealed an important clue: Shen Kai had a phone call with Lin Lian'er on the day of the incident, and the call lasted for a long time. This discovery convinced Qi Lin

The relationship between Shen Kai and Lin Lian'er is not simple. f

In order to confirm this, Qi Lin decided to re-interrogate Shen Kai and question him directly face to face.

"Mr. Shen, we found the call record between you and Lin Lian'er on the day of the incident. Please explain to us the content and purpose of your call with her?

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