Shen Kai looked a little nervous, but still replied: "I did have a phone call with Lin Lian'er that day, but it was just a normal communication. I tried to comfort her because she seemed to have encountered some troubles recently. We chatted for a while, Then the call ended. I promise, I didn't cause her any harm!"

Qi Lin thought about Shen Kai's answer. Although he insisted that his phone call with Lin Lian'er was just a normal communication, Qi Lin felt that there were more things being concealed.

"Mr. Shen, please recall carefully again, have you had any quarrels or other unpleasant conflicts with Lin Lian'er? This is very important for us to find out the truth. 100 If you conceal any key information, the consequences may be even more serious.

Shen Kai looked hesitant for a moment, then sighed.

"Actually, the call that day was not peaceful. We did have an argument. Lin Lian'er seemed angry at my expression of jealousy and accused me of slandering her reputation behind her back. We argued for a while, but finally the call At the end, she looked very angry and disappointed. But I promise, I didn't hurt her!

Shen Kai's confession further deepened Qi Lin's suspicion of him. However, although clues are increasingly pointing to Shen Kai (acfj), there is still a lack of direct evidence to confirm the connection between him and Lin Lian'er's death.

Qi Lin decided to continue looking for other evidence and re-examine every detail of the case, hoping to finally uncover the truth of the mystery.

Qi Lin was not satisfied with Shen Kai's answer. He felt that some important details had been concealed. In order to investigate further, he also noticed Lin Lian'er's friends and family.

Qi Lin found Lin Lian'er's best friend, hoping to get more information from her. Friends mentioned that a few days before Lin Lian'er disappeared, she became very nervous and anxious. Friends tried to ask her what happened, but Lin Lianer always avoided talking.

This clue aroused Qi Lin's interest, and he decided to pursue further investigation. By checking Lin Lian'er's social media accounts and mobile phone communication records, he discovered that a mysterious stranger had contacted Lin Lian'er and frequently sent some disturbing messages.

After contacting this stranger, Qi Lin had a secret meeting. The stranger called himself the "man behind the scenes" and claimed to have special attention to Lin Lian'er and knew everything about her. However, the "man behind the scenes" refused to reveal his true identity.

Qi Lin realized that this "man behind the scenes" might be related to the case, and he decided to arrange a meeting in the hope of revealing the truth. In a secret location, Qi Lin met with the "man behind the scenes".

"Why did you contact Lin Lian'er? What is your purpose for her?" Qi Lin asked seriously.

The "man behind the scenes" was silent for a moment, and then replied softly: "I am just a person obsessed with art, deeply fascinated by Lin Lian'er's talent. I want to be her protector, but I never thought of hurting her. I It's innocent!"

Despite this, Qi Lin still feels that the "man behind the scenes" hides more facts. He continued to ask questions, hoping to find more clues.

"Can you provide me with any key information about Lin Lian'er's disappearance? If you are truly her protector, then now is the time to provide assistance to the police.

The "man behind the scenes" seemed to hesitate for a moment, and then said: "I do know some key information, but I need to protect myself. I can provide some clues, but you must guarantee my safety and anonymity.".

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