Qi Lin weighed the pros and cons and finally agreed to the request of the "man behind the scenes". He understands that the key now is to obtain more clues. In order to find the truth, sometimes he has to take some risks.

"Okay, I guarantee your safety and anonymity. Please tell me everything you know, and we will uncover the truth of this mystery together." Qi Lin said solemnly.

The "man behind the scenes" relaxed slightly and then began to reveal some information related to Lin Lian'er's disappearance. He mentioned a mysterious organization that purportedly pursues and exploits the talents of artists. The "man behind the scenes" further told Qi Lin that this mysterious organization had contacted Lin Lian'er and hoped that she would join them. They claim to be able to provide good resources and opportunities to advance her career. However, Lin Lian'er rejected their invitation because she was suspicious of the organization's true intentions.

"Behind the Scenes" states that members of the organization take retaliatory actions against artists who refuse to join in an attempt to damage their reputations and destroy their careers. These methods include fake reputations, cyberattacks, and other malicious activities.

After listening to the statement of the "man behind the scenes", Qi Lin began to connect all the clues together. Shen Kai once expressed jealousy towards Lin Lian'er and admitted to sending anonymous letters, but he denied having anything to do with her death. On the other hand, the "man behind the scenes" claims to be a protector, but refuses to reveal his identity and true purpose.

Qi Lin decided to investigate this mysterious organization and look for more evidence to confirm what the "man behind the scenes" said. He began to dig deep into relevant information and coordinated police resources to track clues. He contacted other artists, galleries and related institutions to find out if anyone else had been threatened or harassed by the group.

After a period of hard work, Qi Lin gradually collected more information about this mysterious organization. He found that the operation of this organization was extremely secretive and the members were closely connected, making it difficult to obtain specific clues. However, he was convinced that this was a direction worthy of further investigation.

Qi Lin compiled all the evidence and clues and prepared to share them with the police. Although no evidence has been found that directly proves that Shen Kai or the mysterious organization is related to Lin Lian'er's death, the accumulation of clues indicates that the truth of the case may be hidden among these seemingly unrelated people and events.

0…please give me flowers…

Qi Lin decided to continue chasing this mystery, believing that as long as he persisted, the truth behind Lin Lian'er's death would eventually be revealed.

Qi Lin decided to submit all the collected evidence and clues to the task force and launch further investigations with them. Members of the task force were also shocked by the existence of the "man behind the scenes" and the mysterious organization, and realized that this clue might be the key to solving the mystery of the case.


They decided to expand the scope of their investigation and dig deeper into the activities and members of this mysterious organization. Members of the task force launched a large-scale information collection work, followed up on relevant clues, and also strengthened the investigation into Shen Kai.

During the investigation, the task force successfully identified the core members of this mysterious organization and gradually revealed their purposes and methods of action. They discovered that this organization, which used art as a cover, was actually a criminal network that used the talents of artists to conduct illegal activities, including money laundering, smuggling, and malicious attacks. .

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