In the email, the other party expressed his willingness to meet with him and proposed an agreed location. Qi Lin decided to go to this place, preparing to reveal the true face of the 'Shadow' organization.

Qi Lin arrived at the predetermined location, a dark and dilapidated warehouse. He carefully opened the door and entered the warehouse. Under the dim light, he saw five people wearing black clothes and masks sitting around a table.

"Welcome, Qi Lin." One of the people said, his voice was low and cold 02.

Qi Lin looked around and locked his eyes on the person who made the sound. "You are the leader of the Shadow Organization, right?"

The leader smiled and nodded: "Yes, I am. You are really a smart detective who can find us.

"Why are you attacking these companies?" Qi Lin asked.

"Because we have our own interests, these companies have become our competitors. We need their confidential information to maintain a competitive advantage." The leader replied confidently.

"Do you know that this is illegal? You have violated the law and harmed the interests of innocent companies." Qi Lin said seriously.

"Law? Those are just rules made by some people. We are only pursuing maximization of interests. Compared with it, what are these rules?" The leader laughed sarcastically.

Qi Lin calmly observed the leader and other members, thinking about what to do next. He cannot let these commercial spies continue to undermine the interests of the company, but he cannot easily arrest them. He needs a bigger action to expose them completely.

"I can help you," Qi Lin suddenly said, "We can cooperate to build a stronger business network, obtain information together, and protect each other."

The leader and other members looked at each other, obviously not expecting Qi Lin to make such a suggestion. They were lost in thought.

"Why should I believe you? Are you just doing it for your own benefit?" the leader asked warily.

"I understand your worries, but I can give you a piece of evidence to prove my sincerity." Qi Lin took out a piece of paper with a number combination written on it.

The leader took the piece of paper and stared at the numbers on it. Suddenly, his expression became solemn.

"This is..." the leader murmured softly.

"Yes, that is the administrator password of your server that was recently hacked. I have restored all stolen files and deleted all traces." Qi Lin showed a confident smile.

Other members began to talk about it, and they began to seriously consider Qi Lin's proposal. Finally, the leader stood up and walked to Qi Lin.

"Okay, Mr. Qi Lin, we are willing to hear your plan."

In the next few hours of 843, Qi Lin held a detailed discussion with the 'Shadow' organization. They agreed on a secure communication system to ensure that information between each other would not be leaked. At the same time, Qi Lin also showed his detective skills to the "Shadow" organization, which made them work closely. In the next few weeks, Qi Lin worked closely with the "Shadow" organization. They jointly established a virtual network security team specifically responsible for Protect each other's business interests. This team is composed of technical experts from Qi Lin and the 'Shadow' organization

They work together to conduct vulnerability scanning, attack and defense simulations and other activities to ensure the security of both parties' systems. .

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