At the same time, Qi Lin also began to investigate the manipulators behind the "Shadow" organization. By analyzing the traces and clues of the attack, he gradually identified a possible suspect: a senior hacker who had cooperated with many attacked companies.

Qi Lin secretly launched a tracking and investigation of the hacker, and finally determined his hiding place. He decided to act alone to bring the hacker to justice, and at the same time clear the name of the 'Shadow' organization.

That night, Qi Lin came to the hacker's stronghold, a secret base hidden in the suburbs of the city. He carefully passed through the numerous defense lines and quietly approached the target.

Suddenly, a voice sounded: "Qi Lin, your plan failed."

The hacker appeared in front of him, holding a shining dagger. Qi Lin stared at him intently, without fear.

"Who are you? Why do you want to destroy our plan?" Qi Lin asked.

The hacker sneered and said: "I am the real mastermind of this organization. Do you think you can easily penetrate into our interior? You are just a rabble, not worth mentioning."

Qi Lin smiled slightly, flashed quickly, avoided the hacker's attack, and quickly counterattacked. A fierce hand-to-hand combat began, with the two of them going back and forth with fierce moves.

As time goes by, Qi Lin gradually gains the upper hand. His fighting skills and agility make hackers incomparable. In the end, Qi Lin defeated the hacker and subdued him.

The police quickly arrived at the scene and arrested the hacker. At the same time, Qi Lin provided the police with relevant evidence of the "Shadow" organization and exposed their illegal activities.

A few days later, members of the 'Shadow' organization were arrested one after another, and their criminal behavior was exposed. This series of actions dealt a major blow to commercial espionage activities and completely changed the security posture of related companies.

The case occurred one early morning when a black car hit a young man walking alone on the road and fled the scene. Witnesses provided some information, but it was not enough to help police quickly identify the suspect. Qi Lin began to investigate from the crime scene and carefully observed every detail.

Qi Lin found a piece of debris on the side of the road, which seemed to have fallen off the vehicle during the impact. He collected it and prepared it to be sent to the laboratory for chemical analysis. Back in the office, Qi Lin began to sort out the information provided by witnesses and try to compare it with other similar cases.

At this time, Qi Lin's assistant Xiaoyun came in. She is a smart and witty young woman who is full of respect for Qi Lin's work.

Xiaoyun asked: "Mr. Qi, is there any new progress?"

Qi Lin glanced at her and replied with a smile: "I have found a fragment, which may have fallen from the vehicle involved in the accident. I am going to send it to the chemical laboratory for analysis."

Xiaoyun said excitedly: "That's great! Maybe we can find some clues through this fragment.

Qi Lin nodded in agreement and said: "Yes, I hope to determine the source of this fragment through chemical analysis, or find some other useful information. At the same time, I am also making (good) comparisons with other similar cases to see See if there are similar patterns.”

Xiaoyun thought for a while and then asked: "Do you think this case is related to other cases?"

Qi Lin thought for a while and replied: "Although each case has its own uniqueness, I noticed that there have been many similar hit-and-run cases in the city in the past few months. Whether it is the modus operandi or the vehicle involved There are similarities in the characteristics. So I think there is probably a connection between these cases."

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