Xiaoyun frowned slightly and said, "Does that mean we are tracking a serial hit-and-run criminal?"

Qi Lin nodded, a trace of determination flashed in his eyes: "Yes, I believe this may be a series of cases. We need more evidence to determine the suspect's identity and motives. At the same time, we must also improve the police How seriously we should take such cases to prevent more innocent people from being harmed.

In the next few days, Qi Lin and Xiaoyun worked hard to investigate the case. They analyzed the chemical composition of the debris, searched for suspicious vehicles through surveillance videos, and followed up on 610 clues provided by witnesses. They have also worked with the police to set up a dedicated telephone tip reception center to encourage members of the public to provide any information related to the case.

One night, Qi Lin and Xiaoyun were studying case materials nervously in the office. Suddenly, I received an anonymous phone call. Qi Lin quickly picked up the phone and noticed that the other party's voice was low with a hint of fear:

"Are you the police? I have important information about the hit-and-run case, please keep me safe!

Qi Lin replied calmly: "Sir, I am Qi Lin, a detective. Please rest assured that we will protect your safety. Please tell me the information you know.

The other party continued: "I am a taxi driver. In the early morning of that day, I saw the vehicle that caused the accident. It was a white SUV that hit someone and fled the scene at high speed. I remember that the first four digits of the license plate number were 2183. But I didn't dare call the police because I was worried about retaliation.

Qi Lin quickly recorded this information and once again assured the other party of his safety. Then, he turned to Xiaoyun and said: "Immediately retrieve the surveillance video and find the whereabouts of this white SUV. We need to lock the suspect vehicle as soon as possible to conduct further investigation."

Xiaoyun quickly searched for surveillance videos on the computer and found records that matched the time and location of the crime. They watched the video carefully and eventually found a white SUV a few hours later. (acee) Qi Lin immediately extracted the license plate number to ensure that no details were missed.

The next morning, Qi Lin took these new clues to the criminal investigation team leader Li Ming who cooperated with the police. He reported the information he had to Li Ming in detail and emphasized the connection between these cases.

Li Ming thought for a moment, and then said: "Mr. Qi, thank you for your efforts and intelligence. I will immediately arrange for personnel to track the white SUV, and at the same time increase the investigation of the hit-and-run case. We need to find the suspect as soon as possible, Justice for victims and citizens.

A few days later, the police successfully tracked the white SUV and arrested it at night. Qi Lin and Xiaoyun also accompanied the police to the scene and witnessed the arrest of the suspect.

Detective Qi Lin received the task of investigating an arson case. He knew that this was an important and difficult task. So, he quickly started investigating, visiting the scene, collecting evidence, and trying to find a breakthrough in the case.

The next morning, Qi Lin came to the scene of the crime - a burned-out warehouse. The lingering traces of fire and the smell of smoke still linger in the air. The useless mother who walked into the warehouse

Qi Lin began to carefully search for anything that could provide clues. f

Just as he was carefully inspecting a collapsed table, a voice suddenly came from behind: "Are you Mr. Qi Lin?" Qi Lin turned around and saw a young woman standing at the door of the warehouse. .

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