"Yes, I am Qi Lin." He smiled slightly, "Who are you?"

"I am Chen Chen, the administrator here." The woman said and handed Qi Lin a document, "This is the record of the warehouse. I hope it will be helpful to you."

Qi Lin took the document and glanced at its contents. He noticed that the warehouse's entry and exit records had been unusually frequent in recent months, as well as some information about warehouse tenants.

"Ms. Chen, I noticed that the warehouse has been used very frequently recently. Is there any special situation?" Qi Lin asked.

Chen Chen frowned: "Actually, some new renters have indeed appeared in recent months. They come and go in a hurry, saying that they are used to store some personal belongings, but I don't know exactly what they are.

Qi Lin nodded and had an idea in his mind. He knew that if the arson case was to be solved, the new tenants would have to be investigated. So, he decided to find them first and ask them.

The first tenant Qi Lin found was a young painter. He is working on his work in a makeshift studio. Qi Lin knocked on the door, and the painter raised his head.

"Hello, I am Detective Qi Lin." Qi Lin smiled and indicated his identity, "Let me ask, what do you store here?"

The painter hesitated for a moment, then pointed to an oil painting on the wall.

"These are my works and I need a safe place to store them," the painter explained.

Qi Lin did not leave immediately. On the contrary, he began to observe the painter's actions and expressions. During the conversation, he found that the painter was a little nervous and his eyes were unstable, which caught his attention.

"Do you know anything about the recent warehouse arson case?" Qi Lin suddenly asked.

The painter's face instantly turned pale, and he stammered: "I...I don't have any information about that case."

Qi Lin was keenly aware of the painter's abnormal mood, but he did not show it. Instead, he was thinking about the next step in his investigation.

Qi Lin turned his attention to another new tenant—a young musician. He came to the musician's studio, where various musical instruments and audio equipment were displayed.

"Hello, I'm Detective Qi Lin." Qi Lin asked with a smile, "I want to know what things you store here?"

0…Please give me flowers…

The musician glanced at Qi Lin, obviously confused. "I store my music equipment and recording equipment here, as well as some precious musical instruments."

Qi Lin observed for a while and found that the musician did not seem to have much nervousness, which was completely different from the painter's reaction. This made him have some doubts, and he thought to himself.


"Have you heard about the recent arson cases?" Qi Lin suddenly asked.

The musician paused, then nodded. "Yes, I have heard about it, but I don't know the details of the case.

Qi Lin realized that the musician might be hiding some information, but he decided not to ask directly. Instead, he chose to leave the studio and prepare to further analyze the clues he had collected.

Back in the office, Qi Lin began to sort out various information and evidence about the case. He found that the painter and musician seemed to have an unusual level of knowledge about the arson case, which led him to suspect that they might be related to the case.

In order to further confirm his guess, Qi Lin decided to invite a psychologist to assist him in conducting face-to-face interviews with the suspect.


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