After some questioning, they found the witness. The witness's name was Li Mei, a young girl who was about to leave the coffee shop. Qi Lin and Wang Ming greeted her friendly and explained that they were police officers investigating a hit-and-run case.

Li Mei looked at the two of them nervously, but still answered firmly: "I remember that car, it was a red car. The driver was a middle-aged man, wearing "14011 glasses" and chin. beard. "

Qi Lin raised his eyebrows. This clue fit perfectly with the description provided by the victim. He thanked Li Mei and left his contact information for further inquiries. They then return to the police station to integrate these new findings with previous clues.

Through various channels, Qi Lin learned that there was a parking lot nearby, and there was often a red car parked in it. He decided to investigate for himself. When he arrived at the parking lot, he noticed a faint scratch on the corner of the wall, which seemed to have been scratched by a car.

He quickly took out the measuring tools and began to measure and record the scratches. Then he found the red car parked in the parking lot. He carefully inspected the appearance of the vehicle and found some tiny marks that matched the characteristics of the vehicle described by the victim.

When Qi Lin returned to the police station, he reported to Wang Ming with all these clues. They decided to immediately go to the car owner registration office to check the owner information of the red car.

At the registration office, they learned that the owner of the red car was a man named Li Qiang. Based on the address information, they went to Li Qiang's residence.

When Qi Lin and Wang Ming arrived at Li Qiang's residence, they saw a red car parked at the door. They knocked on the door, but no one answered. They decided to wait a while

To determine whether Li Qiang is at home.

Finally, the door opened, and a middle-aged man appeared at the door. He is Li Qiang, consistent with the description provided by witnesses and victims.

"Mr. Li Qiang, would you like to talk to us?" Qi asked politely.

Li Qiang was a little nervous, but he still let the two detectives enter his residence. Qi Lin and Wang Ming began to question Li Qiang carefully, asking him whether he was involved in the hit-and-run case.

At first, Li Qiang insisted that he was innocent, claiming that his vehicle had never left the parking lot. However, the evidence Qi Lin showed him made his psychological defense gradually collapse.

"We found your vehicle in the parking lot, and multiple witnesses described your appearance." Qi Lin said coldly.

Li Qiang explained that he chose to hit and run because he was driving drunk and there were some prohibited items in the car. He deeply regrets his actions and expressed his willingness to cooperate with the police investigation.

Qi Lin and Wang Ming took Li Qiang back to the police station and began further interrogation. During the interrogation, Li Qiang provided more details, including the reasons and ways he fled the scene, and the location where he discarded the prohibited items.

Armed with this information, the police launched a thorough search operation. They found the prohibited items discarded by Li 3.2qiang and collected them as evidence. At the same time, Li Qiang’s drunk driving behavior was also dealt with accordingly to protect social security and public interests.

On this day, Qi Lin received an important task - to solve an arson case. He came to the scene of the crime, a large commercial building located in the center of the city. .

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