Qi Lin carefully observed the surrounding environment, looking for clues. The smoky scene showed the once fervent flames, and the remaining ashes were still smoking faintly. He followed the traces into the building, looking intently for any possible evidence.

At this moment, a security guard came over. When he saw Qi Lin, he immediately stepped forward and asked: "Hello, I am the security guard responsible for the safety here. Is there anything I can help you with?"

Qi Lin smiled slightly and said: "Hello, I am Qi Lin, hired to investigate this arson case. Are you a witness? Did you see any suspicious people or things?" 02

The security guard recalled: "Last night, I didn't find anything unusual when I was patrolling. But when I first started to sleep, I heard a strange sound, like someone tapping something gently. I wanted to check after I got up, but Only to find that the entire floor had been engulfed in flames.

Qi Lin frowned and thought for a moment, then asked: "Do you know if there are any dissatisfied employees in this building or people who have expressed hostility to the building?"

The security guard shook his head and said: "I am only responsible for maintaining the safety of the building and have no knowledge of the company's internal affairs. However, an employee recently resigned due to excessive work pressure. He seemed to be somewhat dissatisfied with the company's management methods.

Qi Lin felt that this clue might be very important, so he further asked: "Do you know the name and contact information of this employee?"

The security guard recalled: "His name is Li Ming, I remember he left a phone number before he left, I can find this information for you.

Qi Lin nodded and expressed his gratitude. The security guard turned around and left to find the contact information of the resigned employee.

While waiting, Qi Lin turned his head to observe the surrounding scene. Suddenly, his eyes were attracted by a piece of paper. The note read: "This is my response to the company and you will pay for what you have done.

Qi Lin immediately picked up the note, clipped it with a clip and put it into an insurance bag. This note may be one of the clues left by the arsonist.

At this moment, the security guard came back and handed Qi Lin a note with Li Ming's phone number written on it. Qi Lin called and agreed to meet Li Ming.

During the meeting, Li Ming was very nervous. Qi Lin patiently asked him about the reasons for his resignation and his dislike for the company. Li Ming admitted that he had indeed lost confidence in the company, but firmly denied any connection with the arson case. He explained: “My dissatisfaction with the company is only due to excessive work pressure and unreasonable management methods, and I have not taken drastic actions.

Qi Lin carefully observed Li Ming's expression and language, trying to find some clues to solve the case. He took a deep breath and then asked: "Can you provide some evidence that can prove your innocence? For example, your exact whereabouts during the time of the crime or other witnesses." 067 Li Ming thought for a moment and replied: " Sorry, I don't have anyone else who can provide me with proof of alibi. I was just home alone that night, I didn't leave."

Qi Lin realized that other clues now needed to be further investigated. He expressed his understanding to Li Ming and told him that he would investigate the case.

After leaving the meeting with Li Ming, Qi Lin began to review more evidence. He carefully studied the video surveillance of the arson scene and discovered a figure wearing a black coat. The figure entered the building before setting the fire and left very close to the time of the arson. .

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