Qi Lin had a long conversation with Zhang Ming. Zhang Ming explained to Qi Lin the relevant processes and technologies for wastewater discharge, and showed the advanced equipment they use.

Qi Lin became more and more interested as he listened, and said to Zhang Ming: "The technology you described is indeed very advanced, but why are you being accused? Is someone deliberately trying to damage the reputation of this sewage treatment plant?"

Zhang Ming nodded thoughtfully: "It is indeed possible. We have always been a model unit for environmental protection in the region, but recently some competitors have begun to make lies and try to destroy our reputation. I once heard that they were in nearby Some illusions are created in rivers and land, making people mistakenly believe that it is caused by the sewage we discharge.

Qi Lin frowned, thinking about the credibility of this information. The need for further investigation becomes even more urgent.

A few days later, Qi Lin found nearby residents, some of whom also suspected that the accusations were not true. Qi Lin conducted a series of interviews with residents, trying to find any possible clues.

While talking to a resident named Wang Jianming, he mentioned an interesting detail: “A few weeks ago, I was walking by the river and I found a truck full of barrels of discarded chemicals. I thought it was very strange. , so I called the police. When the police came, they told me that these chemicals may have entered the river from the sewage treatment plant."

Qi Lin's heart brightened. This might be the key clue for him to find the truth. He decided to immediately investigate the origin and destination of the truck.

After some efforts, Qi Lin tracked down the owner of the truck, a businessman named Chen Ming. When questioning Chen Ming, he revealed a hint of nervousness: "Yes, I transported a batch of discarded chemicals, but those chemicals were collected from places unrelated to the sewage treatment plant. I just passed through this area. of land without dumping chemicals into rivers."

Qi Lin stared at Chen Ming sharply, trying to discern whether he was lying. Then, he took out the photos on his mobile phone, which he had taken by the river before.

"Mr. Chen, please look at these photos." Qi Lin said seriously, "These are abandoned chemical barrels I found by the river. They are very similar to the batch of chemicals you mentioned.

Please consider again whether it is possible that these chemicals were dumped from your car into the river. "0

0......Please give me flowers......

Chen Ming swallowed his saliva and turned pale. He shook his head and whispered: "Maybe... maybe someone stole my truck. I don't know what their purpose was, but I can make sure I didn't dump anything into the river.

Qi Lin began to doubt Chen Ming's explanation, but still remained calm. He decided to pursue this lead and investigate the theft in depth.

After further investigation, Qi Lin discovered a suspect named Liu Yang, a competitor who had a deep hatred for the sewage treatment plant. Liu Yang has repeatedly tried to damage the reputation of sewage treatment plants in an attempt to steal their market share.

In the conversation with Liu Yang, Qi Lin gradually revealed the truth of this complex case. It turned out that in order to discredit the sewage treatment plant, Liu Yang created a series of illusions, including dumping waste chemical barrels into the river. He also bribed some residents to provide false testimony, accusing the sewage treatment plant of illegally discharging wastewater. .

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