In the end, Qi Lin relied on his intelligence and keen insight to bring Liu Yang to justice and make the truth known to the public. Wastewater treatment plants were restored to their rightful reputation.

Detective Qi Lin's earphones suddenly sounded a sharp alarm. He immediately stopped what he was doing, put on his earphones, and listened attentively. Suspense and excitement are intertwined in his eyes. This is his favorite moment——a new case. As the message "220" coming from the earphones gradually became clearer, his expression became more solemn.

"Qi Lin, what we are facing this time is a huge forgery case. The cultural relics that have been circulated recently are all fakes!" The voice from the police was full of anxiety.

"Received, I'll go there immediately. Give me the case information and the address of the scene." Qi Lin responded, but secretly wondering about the story behind the case.

Soon after, Qi Lin came to the scene of the crime - an antique shop called "Gujintang". The store is filled with various antiques and cultural relics, as if traveling through time and returning to ancient times. The shop owner is a middle-aged man in his fifties who looks smart and capable.

"You are Mr. Qi Lin, I am Wang Zhen, the owner of Gujintang. This counterfeiting case is really exhausting for us." Wang Zhen greeted Qi Lin with a sad look on his face.

"Please tell me what you know so far." Qi Lin said in a deep voice, looking at Wang Zhen's frown.

Wang Zhen took a deep breath and began to describe in detail: "In recent months, a large number of fakes have appeared in our store. These cultural relics include bronzes, porcelain, etc., each of which is extremely exquisite and completely fake. I have invited many people to Experts conducted appraisals, and the results showed that they were all fakes without any surprise. This greatly affected my credibility and put me in a huge dilemma.

"Are there any clues or suspicious characters?" Qi Lin asked, his eyes flashing.

"In fact, we saw a young man coming in one night. He was wearing a black coat and a hat, covering his face. He was acting strangely and kept looking around as if he was looking for something. Then, He walked up to a certain cultural relic, with a glimmer of greed in his eyes. However, he had already quickly left the store when we noticed him." Wang Xue recalled.

"Did this person leave any traces?" Qi Lin continued to ask.

"There is a little clue... I found a note that night that said seeking the truth. This made me feel a little unusual." Wang Zhen handed Qi Lin a yellowed note. .

Qi Lin took the note and observed it carefully. The handwriting on the note was obviously written in a hurry, and the ink used was somewhat faded. Qi Lin looked at the handwriting on the note, filled with curiosity and expectation.

"This is indeed an important clue, thank you for providing it. I will investigate this person carefully and find out the truth behind the fraud as soon as possible." Qi Lin said solemnly, carefully putting the note into his pocket.

In the next few days, Qi Lin launched a series of investigations. He visited the surrounding businesses of Gujintang and asked if anyone had seen the young man in a black coat. 3.2 However, everyone's answers revolved around vague memories and irrelevant details.

Just when he felt a little hopeless, Qi Lin got an important clue. An anonymous source told him that a mysterious man often appeared in a cafe near Gujintang. This man always drinks coffee with his head down, and flips through a thick book from time to time. He seems to have an unusual interest in cultural relics. .

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