General Manager Yang told Qi Lin that they found a famous painting suspected to be a forgery in the gallery and had called the police. Moreover, they also found a suspicious woman named Mia, who was one of the main buyers who recently purchased several famous paintings whose authenticity was questioned.

Qi Lin decided to find Mia first to see if she had any clues she could provide. Through investigation, he learned that Mia was a wealthy art collector who had held many art exhibitions and had close ties with many artists.

He found the mansion where Mia lived, pressed the doorbell, and after a while, the door opened. A middle-aged woman appeared at the door. She was wearing a gorgeous long dress and looked full of temperament.

"Hello, I am Qi Lin, a private detective." Qi introduced his identity to the middle-aged woman.

The middle-aged woman nodded and invited Qi Lin into the room, "Please come in. Do you need my help with anything?"

"I'm here because there have been recent cases of forgery of famous paintings. Have you heard about them?" Qi Lin asked the middle-aged woman.

The middle-aged woman smiled slightly, "Of course I have heard of it. I am very passionate about art and I go to exhibitions and auctions around the world every year. This recent case is really scary.

Qi Lin felt a little strange. He noticed that the middle-aged woman's expression seemed a little too calm. He continued to ask: "Do you know Mia? We have obtained information that she may be related to this case."

The middle-aged woman paused, her expression changed slightly, and then replied: "Mr. Qi, I know Mia. She is a wealthy woman with a high social status, and is very keen on art collection. We have had several contacts, But I don’t know if she is related to this case.”

Qi Lin was slightly disappointed. He hoped that the middle-aged woman could provide more clues. However, as an excellent detective, "he knew not to give up easily. He continued to ask: "Do you know which famous paintings Mia purchased that are suspected of being forged?"

The middle-aged woman thought for a moment and replied: "I have indeed seen some of Mia's collections, including several controversial famous paintings. But I can't confirm whether they are real because I am not a professional. Maybe you can find them An art appraiser came to examine the works.”

Qi Lin nodded and decided to adopt the middle-aged woman's suggestion. He thanked the middle-aged woman and left the mansion.

After returning to the office, Qi Lin contacted a reputable art appraiser and agreed on a time and place for the appraisal. In the afternoon of the same day, Qi Lin visited the art appraiser 98 with several famous paintings purchased by Mia.

The identification process lasted for several hours, and Qi Lin anxiously waited for the results. Finally, the art appraiser announced: “After careful identification, these famous paintings are indeed forgeries.

Qi Lin was shocked when he heard the news, and he realized that the conspiracy behind this case was more complicated. He decided to go back and have further exchanges with General Manager Yang and the middle-aged woman.

The next day, Qi Lin invited General Manager Yang and the middle-aged woman to his office. Qi Lin showed the identification results and said: "According to the identification results, these famous paintings are indeed forgeries. But we still need to find the culprit and uncover the whole conspiracy."


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