General Manager Yang and the middle-aged woman looked at each other, and they were obviously shocked. The middle-aged woman said worriedly: "If these works are forged, then the art we spent huge amounts of money to buy will become worthless."

Qi Lin said reassuringly: "Don't worry, we will find the truth. Since these famous paintings are forged, we need to track down the people who made and sold these works. I will continue to investigate and cooperate with the police, and we will definitely find the answer." "

After several days of intense investigation, Qi Lin gradually got closer to the truth. He discovered a black market organization suspected of manufacturing and selling counterfeit art, and had reason to believe that this organization had some connection with Mia.

In the final stage of the investigation, Qi Lin decided to summon General Manager Yang, the middle-aged woman and the police to a secret location to uncover the entire case.

When everyone gathered at the secret location, Qi Lin showed the evidence he had about the black market organization. He detailed how the organization manufactured forged famous paintings and introduced them into the legal market through Mia as a buyer.

General Manager Yang asked in shock: "Does this mean that our gallery has become an accomplice of this black market organization?"

Qi Lin shook his head, "Not entirely. Based on my investigation of the case, I believe you are the victims. The black market organization used your reputation and funds to carry out this series of counterfeit transactions."

A look of guilt flashed in the middle-aged woman's eyes, "I have also purchased some works whose authenticity was doubtful, but I never thought that I would become part of this conspiracy.

Qi Lin reassured: "This is not your fault, but the crime of this black market organization. Now, we need to cooperate with the police to bring them to justice.'

Subsequently, Qi Lin shared the evidence he had with the police and provided relevant clues. The police said they would immediately launch operations to arrest those involved and resolve the case as soon as possible.

A few days later, Qi Lin received news from the police that they had successfully captured the core members of the black market organization and seized a large number of counterfeit works of art in the underground workshops they controlled.

The entire case was gradually solved, and the truth about the famous painting emerged. Qi Lin received the gratitude of General Manager Yang and the middle-aged woman. They expressed their willingness to compensate customers who suffered losses due to counterfeit works and to re-establish the reputation of the gallery.

One cold winter morning, Qi Lin stood at the crime scene, his eyes locked. He is a smart, experienced detective who has been passionate about solving mysteries and revealing the truth since childhood. Today, he faces a crucial bombing case.

This case occurred in a high-rise building. The explosion caused huge damage and many casualties. Qi Lin carefully inspected the entire scene, and every detail was captured by his keen eyes. He knelt down and carefully observed the fingerprints, marks and residue.

At this moment, a young police officer came over. (Manno's) "Mr. Qi, we found a surveillance video." He handed Qi Lin a DVD.

Qi Lin took the DVD and put it into the player. A man wearing a black hat appeared in the picture. He quietly placed a small package in a corner of the building and then left in a hurry.

"This person looks very suspicious." Qi Lin paused, "But we can't draw conclusions based on this alone. I need more evidence."

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