Li Ming explained patiently: "We found from the investigation that these leaks are related to a secret organization. They may have hired some insiders to steal information. We have taken some measures to strengthen security, but we have not yet found any conclusive evidence." evidence."

Qi Lin frowned, thinking about how to investigate further. "Do you have any surveillance footage that you can provide me with? I'd like to see what happened in the last few days."

Li Ming "200" nodded: "Of course, we have installed cameras in all important areas, and I will take you to the monitoring room." He led Qi Lin towards the hotel's monitoring room.

In the monitoring room, Qi Lin carefully watched the surveillance videos of the past few days. He discovered that while watching the surveillance video, Qi Lin discovered some suspicious activities. He noticed that an employee frequently came in and out of the office area and always seemed to be in a hurry when leaving.

"Mr. Li Ming, can you help me check the detailed information of this employee?" Qi Lin asked, pointing to the person in the surveillance screen.

Li Ming observed the picture intently and then nodded. "Okay, I will investigate his background and whereabouts immediately."

After a while, Li Ming returned to the monitoring room with an employee file. "This employee's name is Zhang Lin, and she is a senior engineer in our IT department." He said, "According to his file, he has had similar records of covert theft before."

Qi Lin frowned. "It seems we have found an important clue. Please take me to find Zhang Lin. I want to talk to him.

They went straight to the IT department and found Zhang Lin's office. Qi Lin knocked on the door, but when he got no response, he opened the door.

The office seemed a bit messy and there were a dozen suspicious files open on the computer screen. Qi Lin immediately realized that Zhang Lin might have been aware of their investigation.

"Li Ming, we must find Zhang Lin as soon as possible." Qi Lin tensed his nerves, "He may have fled the scene."

They began to search for Zhang Lin's whereabouts and carefully examined every detail in the surveillance video. Finally, in a video, they spotted Zhang Lin leaving the office in a hurry.

Qi Lin immediately made up his mind to hunt down Zhang Lin. He and Li Ming rushed to the hotel exit, hoping to intercept him in time.

Just when they came to the exit door, a black car suddenly stopped in front of them... The window rolled down, revealing a man with a gloomy face, who was the target Qi Lin had been waiting for for a long time———— Zhang Lin.

"Qi Lin, do you think you can stop me? This game is over." Zhang Lin laughed mockingly.

Qi Lin remained unmoved and his eyes were sharp. "Zhang Lin, you have nowhere to escape. If you hand over the evidence and surrender voluntarily, you may still have a chance.

Zhang Lin sneered and suddenly took out a pistol from the car and pointed it at Qi Lin. His eyes were full of madness and struggle.

At this moment, a siren sounded. Qi Lin expected that someone had called the police and would soon arrive for support.

Zhang Lin glanced around in panic and suddenly decided to give up. He threw the pistol to the ground and raised his hands in surrender.

Soon after, the police arrived at the scene on 3.4 and arrested Zhang Lin. Qi Lin provided the police with evidence related to the case and ensured the justice of the case.

Detective Qi Lin was sitting at the desk in the office, holding an investigation report in his hand. He pondered, and the image of a hit-and-run case came to mind. This is a case full of mysteries, and the key clues seem to be like missing puzzle pieces that cannot be completely connected. .

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