Suddenly, the phone rang, interrupting Qi Lin's thoughts. He answered the phone, and the other party's voice came anxiously: "Hello, Mr. Qi, I am one of the victims who was knocked down on the road. Is there any progress?"

Qi Lin replied: "I am still investigating, but I have found some valuable clues. Can you describe what happened at that time? Maybe there will be new details that can help us find the murderer."

The victim hesitated for a moment, and then began to recall: "That evening, my friend and I were walking on the sidewalk, and suddenly a black car sped past and knocked us to the ground. I only remember the first three digits of the license plate number. Jing A1B, I can’t see the other 13 clearly.”

Qi Lin noticed that the victim mentioned "friends", which may be an important clue. So he asked: "Where is your friend now? We need to find her as soon as possible and learn more about the situation."

The victim replied: "I don't know where she is. We were sent to different hospitals for treatment after the incident. I only know her name is Yang Xue, and she should also be injured."

Qi Lin understood that the situation was becoming more complicated. He began to investigate to find Yang Xue. After contacting different hospitals, I finally found a hospital that admitted an injured woman. Qi Lin rushed there immediately and found Yang Xue's ward through the hospital staff.

He knocked on the door of the ward, and a weak voice came out: "Please come in." Qi Lin opened the door and saw Yang Xue lying on the bed, looking pale.

Qi Lin smiled and said: "Hello, Ms. Yang, I am Qi Lin, the detective responsible for investigating this hit-and-run case. Can you describe what happened at that time? Maybe you can provide some key information."

Yang Xue coughed slightly, and then whispered: "We were crossing the road at that time, and suddenly a black car rushed out and hit us. I remember that the last four digits of the license plate number were 7D89."

Qi Lin's heart moved, and he realized that this number might be related to the information provided by the victim. He thanked Yang Xue for her cooperation and informed her that she would continue to investigate the case.

Back in the office, Qi Lin began to carefully study the clues of the case. Beijing's A1B and 7D89 license plate numbers seem to be the key. He asked his assistant to query relevant information and found that the two sets of license plates belonged to different car owners.

After further investigation, Qi Lin discovered that one of the cars belonged to a man named Zhang Kai. Qi Lin continued to investigate Zhang Kai's background and discovered that he was a private driver working for a wealthy entrepreneur. Qi Lin immediately went to Zhang Kai's residence for a visit.

After knocking on the door, a middle-aged man appeared at the door. He looked nervous and guarded. After Qi Lin introduced himself to 757, he explained his purpose and asked to talk to Zhang Kai

Zhang Kai hesitated for a moment, then led Qi Lin into the living room. Qi Lin noticed that his eyes flickered, and he was obviously guilty.

Qi Lin began to ask Zhang Kai questions related to the accident case: "Mr. Zhang, do you know about the two sets of license plate numbers Beijing A1B and 7D89? Do these two numbers belong to you and your employer respectively?"

Zhang Kai looked at Qi Lin in surprise, his lips trembling slightly. After a moment, he finally answered: "Yes, Jing A1B is my license plate number, and XD89 belongs to my employee."

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