"This is so cruel!" Maria said unbearably, her eyes filled with anger and sadness.

Qi Lin also felt like his heart was twisting in a knife, but he knew that he couldn't be swayed by his emotions at this moment. “We must ensure the safety of these animals and bring traffickers to justice,” he reminded everyone.

Police immediately swung into action to rescue the trapped animals and move them to safety. At the same time, Qi Lin began a "three-five-seven" investigation into the organization behind the hiding place and collected evidence in order to bring them to justice.

A few days later, during a secret operation, Qi Lin successfully collected important evidence related to animal trafficking. They arrested the person in charge of the hiding place and took him to the police station for interrogation.

In the interrogation room, Qi Lin sat next to the presiding officer of the case, preparing to launch a severe cross-examination of the traffickers.

"Do you think you can escape punishment?" Qi Lin asked indifferently.

The trafficker showed a mocking smile. "You don't know anything! I'm just part of capitalism, supply and demand.

"Your remarks cannot defend your crime." Qi Lin replied firmly. "Animal trafficking is illegal and causes the suffering and extinction of wild animals.

The trafficker laughed mockingly. "This world is inherently cruel, I'm just adapting to it."

"Your adaptation method is illegal, and we will bring you to justice." Qi Lin said firmly, "I believe that justice will eventually defeat evil. Now, tell me everything about this organization, otherwise you will face more severe punishment. punish."

After a long period of interrogation and investigation, Qi Lin finally uncovered the entire huge network of animal trafficking organizations. They were prosecuted in accordance with the law and face serious criminal charges.

This is a case about illegal felling of trees. Recently, a series of illegal felling incidents have occurred frequently in the forests around the city, posing serious threats to the local environment and ecology.

Qi Lin took a deep breath and began to sort out the clues. The illegal logging sites are widely distributed, but it seems that a special kind of wood is stolen every time. Through investigation, he found that these woods were rare mahogany and were of very high value.

With this clue, Qi Lin decided to go to the local timber market to learn more... He walked through the crowded streets and finally came to the entrance of the market. People come and go here, vendors shout out their products, and the market is filled with the aroma of various woods.

He began to ask the vendors at the stalls one by one, but after several times he did not get any valuable information. Some people suspect that the timber was transported from other cities, while others believe that it was the work of illegal logging elements in the local mountainous areas. Qi Lin realizes that this case may involve more complex forces behind it.

Just as he was about to leave the market, a young girl walked up to him. She looked anxious and nervous. Sir, please help me. I have some important information to tell you. "The girl said carefully calculating 2.3.

Qi Lin noticed that the girl was holding a note in her hand and listened carefully to her words. It turned out that the girl was an employee of a local lumber company, and she discovered that someone within the company was suspected of stealing redwood.

"These people are the top executives of our company. They sell illegally logged timber through internal and external collusion, and then share the profits." The girl whispered, her eyes full of anger and helplessness. .

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