Qi Lin was shocked. If this news is true, then there may be a bigger conspiracy hidden behind this case. He decided to cooperate with the girl and investigate the timber company in depth

Qi Lin and the girl quietly entered the office area of ​​the lumber company. They carefully evaded patrolling security guards and found a safe place to hide.

From a hidden position, they saw the company's top executives having a meeting in a secret room. Qi Lin took out his telescope and observed the meeting carefully. They heard the voice of a senior executive: "This transaction of illegally logging redwood has been carried out many times, and each time the profits are very considerable. We must ensure that we continue to keep a low profile, otherwise we will be discovered."

Qi Lin silently recorded the contents of the meeting. This evidence is crucial to revealing the truth. But he also knew that these alone were not enough.

Qi Lin and the girl hurriedly left the office area of ​​the lumber company, and they decided to track a senior member to obtain more evidence. Through a series of observations and investigations, they discovered that this senior executive often met privately at night and made transactions with other suspicious characters.

One night, they noticed this high-rise vehicle near a remote warehouse. Qi Lin and the girl followed him secretly, hoping to find more clues. But what they didn't expect was that as time went by, the chase became more and more dangerous.

When they were about to lose their target, they suddenly heard a gunshot. Qi Lin and the girl hid in a hurry, clinging to the wall. They found that there was a fight between the top management and those suspicious characters, fighting each other desperately. Soon after, the sound of police cars sounded, and the flashing red and blue lights cut through the dark night sky.

Qi Lin knew that he would not have another chance to obtain more evidence, so he decided to take advantage of the chaos to sneak in and have a dialogue with the senior officials. Although the situation is dangerous, it is also a critical moment to reveal the truth.

He quickly climbed over the wall of the warehouse and approached the high-rise people who were fighting. Qi Lin unexpectedly punched him in the back, knocking him to the ground. Everyone else was distracted by the arrival of the police, giving Qi Lin a chance to have a conversation with the senior executive.

"Do you think you can continue to illegally cut redwood and get away with it?" Qi Lin asked sternly.

The senior management gritted his teeth, his eyes flashing with anger and fear. "You detectives can't stop our plan! You have no idea how huge the chain of interests behind it is."

Qi Lin sneered, "I admit that this case is more complicated than I thought, but I believe that justice will be done sooner or later." He took out his mobile phone and sent the recording of the incident scene and conversation to the police.

At this time, the police had controlled all the suspicious characters and arrived at the warehouse. They made arrests [and started further investigation into the case]. 020

With the intervention of the police, the case entered a new stage. Qi Lin and the girl became key witnesses. They provided a large number of clues and evidence to assist the police in launching a more comprehensive investigation.

After in-depth analysis and tracking, the police finally revealed the huge conspiracy behind the tree-cutting case. It turned out that these high-level members colluded with black marketeers and made huge profits by illegally logging redwood. Their carefully planned plan also involved corruption among government officials and environmental protection departments. This huge network involves all levels. In order to protect their interests, they use their power to conceal the truth of the case. .

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