"Sir, can you help me? My life is in a huge dilemma!" the woman said excitedly.

Qi Lin stood up calmly and confidently, smiled and said: "Please come in, please sit down. Tell me your story, maybe I can help you."

The story begins with a woman named Li Na. She is the director of a well-known art gallery. She recently discovered that several famous paintings had been forged in the gallery, which made her feel anxious.

"I spent a lot of time and money to buy these famous paintings, but now I found out that they are all fake! I can't accept such deception!" Li Na had tears in her eyes and her voice was full of anger and confusion.

Qi Lin took a deep breath, looked at Li Na sympathetically, and then asked: "Can you tell me what happened in the gallery before you discovered that these paintings were forgeries? Was there anyone or anything that aroused your suspicion? -"

Li Na gently touched a photo of a famous painting on the table, pondered for a moment, and then replied: "Before these fake paintings were discovered, we held an important art exhibition. That night

Many art collectors, painters and critics come to visit. However, I am not sure whether someone took the opportunity to sneak a fake painting into it. 11

After listening to Li Na's statement, Qi Lin glanced at the documents on the table, and a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in his heart.

Qi Lin looked at Li Na firmly and said: "I decided to take this case. First, I need you to provide all the details about the night of the art exhibition. Also, I need to enter the gallery to investigate. Is that okay?"

There was a glimmer of hope in Li Na's eyes, and she nodded in agreement.

The next day, Qi Lin came to the gallery Li Na mentioned. He looked at each painting carefully, trying to find any trace of difference. In front of a painting titled "Dance in the Night Sky"

He suddenly found a faint scratch at the bottom of the painting, as if it had been accidentally scratched. Qi Lin looked closer and found that the scratch was man-made.

"This scratch is extraordinary. It may be an important clue." Qi Lin said to himself.

He asked Li Na to provide the purchase records of the paintings and the artist's information, hoping to find some relevant information. After detailed research, he discovered that the famous painting was created by a well-known artist, Adam Peterson, and was one of his most famous works.


Qi Lin decided to talk to Adam Peterson, an artist he believed could provide some key information. So, he contacted Adam Peterson and agreed to meet at his studio.

Arriving at Adam Peterson's studio, Qi Lin saw that the walls were covered with paintings of various styles. Adam Peterson is a gentleman over sixty years old, wearing a white overalls. He warmly welcomed the arrival of the detective.

"Mr. Qi, I heard that you are very interested in my paintings. Is there anything I can do to help you?" Adam Peterson asked kindly.

Qi Lin told Adam Peterson the background of the case and Li Na's predicament, and asked him if he knew any clues about the fake painting.

Adam Peterson frowned, thought for a moment and then said: "This situation is really strange, because I only created one "Dance of the Night Sky" and sold it, never copied it. And, I know I remember that the buyer was a collector named Johnson. But the fake painting you mentioned was obviously not made by me. "Corpse."

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