Qi Lin thought about Adam Peterson's words and suddenly remembered the scratches he saw before. He speculates that it may have been an accidental mark left by a forger trying to imitate Adam Peterson's painting style.

Qi Lin decided to find the collector named Johnson, who he believed might have more information about the fake painting. After some investigation, he finally found Johnson's address.

Arriving at Johnson's mansion, Qi Lin rang the doorbell "980" and waited for a moment before the door opened. There was a middle-aged man standing in front of him, with a hint of vigilance in his eyes.

"I am Detective Qi Lin, are you Mr. Johnson?" Qi asked politely.

Johnson nodded and motioned for Qi Lin to enter the house.

"Sir, I am investigating an art forgery case, which involves the "Dance of the Night Sky" that you purchased. Do you have any information about this painting that you can provide me?" Qi Lin asked.

Johnson frowned, thought for a moment and replied: "Yes, I bought that painting. At that time, I purchased the painting through a private transaction with an art agent named Jack. He told me Guarantee that this is an original painting by Adam Peterson and bring the appropriate certificates and formal signatures."

Qi Lin listened to Johnson's description and understood that Jack was most likely the accomplice of the forger. He decided to investigate the art dealer's background in depth and find out the criminals who conspired with him.

After investigating Jack, Qi Lin found that he was a habitual criminal who used sweet words to defraud collectors' trust. At the same time, he also discovered that Jack had close ties with a well-known counterfeit manufacturing gang.

After collecting enough evidence, Qi Lin led the police to the hiding place of art agent Jack. He and several other companions were successfully captured and brought to justice. During the interrogation, they gradually revealed the details of the entire forgery plan.

It turned out that they intended to make fake paintings, sneak them into the market, and make profits. And Adam Peterson's reputation makes him an ideal candidate for this plan.

By analyzing every detail of the case, Qi Lin finally revealed the scale and methods of the entire forgery network. His investigation work confirmed Li Na's suspicion that all the fake paintings found were produced by this gang and entered the market.

The truth of the case emerged, and the forgers and their accomplices faced legal sanctions... Qi Lin's bravery and intelligence won Li Na's gratitude and admiration.

"Mr. Qi, thank you very much for your help! Without your investigation and resolution, I would not be able to restore the reputation of the gallery and recover the defrauded funds." Li Na sincerely expressed her gratitude to Qi Lin.

Qi Lin smiled and said: "This is my responsibility and mission. I am very happy to help you. If you need anything in the future, please feel free to come to me."

A few weeks later, thanks to Qi Lin's efforts, the fake paintings were seized and removed from the market. Li Na's gallery regained its reputation and imposed stricter scrutiny on all artworks.

Qi Lin was sitting in the office, tapping his fingers on the desktop, thinking about the latest case. Suddenly, the phone's 0.9 ringtone broke the tranquility.

He picked up the phone and said, "Hello, this is Qi Lin, what can I do?"

"Mr. Qi, I am Li Gang from the police station. We have a difficult case that needs your help." Li Gang's voice was tense and anxious.

Qi Lin shrugged, feeling proud of his talent. "No problem, tell me the case."

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