It turns out that Zhang Yu is a small person who covets the victim's wealth. He once tried to blackmail the victim, but she discovered it and called the police. Although the police did not file a case, it made Zhang Yu resentful. On the day of the incident, when he learned that the victim was alone, he decided to take action.

Zhang Yu revealed that he bought a gun through the black market and sneaked into the victim's residence. He intended to scare the victim into handing over her property. However, things were beyond his expectation

Under threat, the victim actually resisted and had to use a gun to defend himself. O

Qi Lin felt mixed after hearing this story. He finally found the murderer and the truth emerged. However, this case still shocked him greatly. He realized that everyone in life may have an unpredictable dark side.

The night fell, and the city lights flickered faintly on the streets. Qi Lin was walking on the bustling street. He was wearing a black windbreaker, and the brim of his hat covered his sharp eyes. As a top detective, he knows all about the city's mysteries.

Suddenly, the phone rang. Qi Lin stopped and took out his cell phone to answer the call. On the other end of the phone was his friend Li Hua. Qi Lin, I need your help! Li Hua said anxiously. Qi Lin knew very well that Li Hua would only be so nervous when he encountered big trouble.

Li Hua, don't be anxious, speak slowly. What happened? Qi Lin asked.

Li Hua sighed and said: I work for a large multinational company, and our company was recently attacked by commercial espionage. They stole our core technology and business secrets. Now our company is in crisis, and I need your help to find these commercial spies and protect our interests.

Qi Lin narrowed his eyes, and he could smell a hint of conspiracy. He took a deep breath and said firmly: Li Hua, don't worry, I will go all out to solve this problem.

Tell me all the details about this case. 0

Li Hua's detailed explanation came from the other end of the phone. Commercial espionage is cunning. They enter the company's servers through hacker attacks and steal a large number of confidential documents. Although the company's cybersecurity team has traced the attacker's IP address, they have been unable to determine the true identity.

After listening to Li Hua's narrative, Qi Lin thought for a moment, and then suggested: I need to enter your company to investigate this case in depth. I believe there must be someone within the company colluding with some commercial espionage.

Li Hua was slightly surprised, but quickly nodded in agreement. He knew that Qi Lin's intuition was never wrong.

A few days later, Qi Lin transformed into an IT technician and shuttled through the company's office building. He mingled among the employees, secretly observing everyone's actions and expressions, looking for any suspicious clues.

By chance, Qi Lin discovered that an employee named Zhang Lin was acting abnormally. She is a senior engineer of the company with excellent technical skills, but recently she keeps mysteriously disappearing for a few hours.

Qi Lin decided to keep an eye on this suspicious target. He used various means to collect all information about Zhang Lin, including her family background, social circle and financial status. .

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