Detective Qi Lin sat at the desk in the office, tapping his fingers on the wooden tabletop. He has been investigating a jewelry theft case for several days, but has yet to find any valuable clues.

Suddenly, his assistant Wang Lei knocked on the door and came in with a document in his hand. "Mr. Qi, I found some interesting information." Wang Lei handed Qi Lin a piece of paper.

Qi Lin took the paper and read the contents carefully. The information describes the scene and modus operandi of several recent jewelry thefts. "These cases seem to be committed by the same person." Qi Lin frowned, "We need more clues to find him."

"I'm sorry, sir, I've tried my best." Wang Jia apologized in a low voice.

Qi Lin took a deep breath and put down the document. "Don't be discouraged. There are other ways we can try. Go and invite that friend who specializes in cracking passwords. Maybe he can help."

Wang Lei nodded and left the room.

A few hours later, a young man with ordinary appearance but sharp eyes walked into Qi Lin's office. His name is Li Si, and he is a person who calls himself a "password cracking master" on the Internet.

"Hello, Mr. Qi." Li Si smiled and shook hands with Qi Lin, "I heard that you need my help."

"Yes, Mr. Li Si. We are investigating a jewelry theft case, but we can't find any clues." Qi Lin explained to him.

Li Si nodded. "I will try my best to help you. Please give me the information on the crime scene and any suspicious information.

Qi Lin handed Li Si a document describing several recent jewelry thefts in detail.

Li Si took the document and read it intently. After a few minutes, he put down the file and mused, "What do these cases have in common?"

Qi Lin thought for a moment. “There were no obvious traces left at any of the crime scenes, and the jewelery was not seen on the market after it was stolen.

"Yes, this shows that the perpetrator is most likely a professional thief who knows how to avoid surveillance and the police." Li Si added.

Qi Lin nodded in agreement. "What are your plans, Mr. Lees?"

"First, we need to confirm how the thief entered the target location." Li Si thought, I need to go to the crime scene to investigate in person.

The next morning, Qi Lin and Li Si came to the scene of the latest jewelry theft - a luxury jewelry store. They carefully observed their surroundings, looking for any traces that could provide clues.

"."Look here," Li Si pointed to a small dark black box and said, "This is a combination lock, which should be used to protect jewelry. If the code can be solved, maybe we can find some clues. "

Both Qi Lin and Li Si became very interested in this small box. They carefully observed the structure of the combination lock and began to study possible combinations.

"According to my understanding of cryptography, the most commonly used password is a combination of numbers." Li Si said. "We can start with the simplest ones, such as the most frequent numbers."

Qi Lin nodded in agreement and entered the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 into the code lock. However, to their disappointment, the password was not successfully cracked.

"It seems that this password is not easy to guess." Qi Lin frowned. "We need more clues."


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