Li Si looked around and noticed an exquisite jewelry display stand on the counter. “Did you notice that this jewelry display on the counter is empty?”

Qi Lin stared at the display stand and suddenly realized. "You're saying that the password might be related to this display stand?"

Li Si smiled and nodded. "That's right. Many times, in order to facilitate memory, people will use numbers related to items as passwords."

The two walked to the display stand and began to carefully observe its details. They noticed that there were several small scratches on the display shelf, as if they had been hit by something.

"These nicks seem to be caused by keys or other metal objects." Qi Lin imagined, "Maybe the password is hidden inside this jewelry display stand."

Li Si took out a slender needle-like tool and carefully inserted it into a gap in the display shelf. He twisted the tool gently, and suddenly, a small door opened on the side of the display shelf.

"It seems we have found the right one!" Li Si said excitedly.

Qi Lin and Li Si took out a small box from the display shelf, which was filled with various types of jewelry. In addition, there is a note.

Qi Lin unfolded the note, which read: "The jewelry has been returned (bibh), this is just to prove my ability."

"It seems that this thief did not steal jewelry for profit, but to show off his skills." Qi Lin frowned. "This is a very difficult case.

Li Si thought for a moment and said: "Since he stole to show off, he will definitely do it again. We can set up a trap before the next case occurs.

Qi Lin nodded. "Yeah, we need to get his attention and make sure he can't escape."

Qi Lin and Li Si worked together to formulate a detailed plan to lay the trap. They chose a luxury hotel as their next target location and hid the jewelry in a special display stand.

They contacted local police and worked with the hotel's security department. After everything was ready, they waited for the thieves to appear.

A few days later, just when Qi Lin and Li Si were about to give up waiting, a young and mysterious woman appeared in the hotel lobby. Wearing a gorgeous dress, she looked like a star walking on the red carpet. Qi Lin and Li Si noticed her immediately.

"This woman looks suspicious." Qi Lin whispered to Li Si.

Li Si nodded, knowing that this woman was probably the thief they had been looking for. They decided to follow her and see what she was doing.

The woman entered the luxurious conference hall of the hotel. Qi Lin and Li Si stood carefully outside the door and observed. The conference hall was filled with jewelry display racks that looked like a maze.

Suddenly, the woman stopped and began to carefully observe a display stand. She picked up a piece of jewelry and looked satisfied.

"This is the trap we prepared!" Qi Lin whispered to Li Si excitedly.

Qi Lin quickly called the security department and informed them to block the exit of the conference hall and send police to round up the thieves.

Soon after, the woman put the selected jewelry back on the display shelf and prepared to leave. However, the moment she turned around, the alarm sounded and the door of the conference hall was tightly closed.

"The game is over." Qi Lin walked into the conference hall indifferently.

The woman laughed softly. "You guys did a great job. I didn't expect anyone to be able to find my traces in such a short period of time."

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