Qi Ming was silent for a while, then lowered his head.

"You are right, I did something wrong. I should seek a more appropriate way to protect the sacred tree instead of taking unilateral action. I will cooperate with you and accept the punishment of the law." Qi Ming replied calmly.

Qi Lin and Lin Wan were relieved. They believed that Qi Ming had realized his mistakes and would work hard to correct them.

Recently, he received a case about sewage discharge. This case involved a large-scale industrial enterprise, which was suspected of illegally discharging wastewater [bringing huge harm to the surrounding environment].

Qi Lin and his assistant Li Shan went to the company to investigate. When they entered the factory, a pungent smell hit their faces. Qi Lin frowned and looked around, seeing many chemical barrels piled aside, some even leaking. He realized there were serious irregularities in the business.

Qi Lin walked towards a security guard who was patrolling. With a serious expression on his face, he asked: "Do you know whether these chemicals are stored legally~"?

The security guard hesitated for a moment and replied in a trembling voice: "I am only responsible for patrolling, and I don't know the specific situation. But I heard that some employees dumped the wastewater privately [and then put chemicals directly into the water pipes]."

After hearing the news, Qi Lin's interest became even stronger. He decided to find these key employees for questioning and learn the truth. After some investigation, they found the employees who had been reported the most.

Qi Lin always remains calm and rational when dealing with suspects. He knows that these people may hide the truth, so he needs to find a breakthrough. He first found an employee named Li Ming.

Qi Lin sat down and said with a smile: "Mr. Li Ming, I am Qi Lin, a detective. I heard that you were involved in the accusation of privately discharging wastewater. I hope you can assist our investigation."

Li Ming looked at Qi Lin nervously and replied tremblingly: "Sir, I did dump some waste water, but I only acted according to the instructions of my superiors."

Qi Lin nodded lightly and continued to ask: "Then why didn't you report it to the relevant department?"

Li Ming swallowed and whispered: "There is high pressure within this company. If I report it, I am worried that I will lose my job.

Qi Lin sighed softly. He understood the dilemma Li Ming faced. In order to obtain more evidence, he decided to continue investigating other employees.

Next, Qi Lin found an employee named Wang Lei. Wang Lei seemed more determined and did not regret his actions.

Qi Lin asked seriously: "." Mr. Wang, "Can you tell me why you dumped the waste water privately?"

Wang Lei raised his head, looked directly into Qi Lin's eyes, and said firmly: "This company has never paid attention to environmental protection issues. I just want to remind them through my actions. Although there are certain risks in doing so, I feel that this is my should be done.

After listening to Wang Lei's answer, Qi Lin felt more and more important about this case. He realized that these employees (Hao Nuo Zhao) might be just part of the story and did not know the structure of the entire criminal network. He needs to find more clues to uncover the truth.

During the subsequent investigation, Qi Lin discovered that a senior supervisor named Zhang Lei was related to wastewater discharge. He decided to have a private conversation with her.

Qi Lin said with a serious expression: "Ms. Zhang, we have reason to believe that you are involved in illegal discharge of wastewater. Please tell me everything you know."

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