Zhang Lei looked at Qi Lin slightly nervously, was silent for a moment, and finally chose to confess: "Yes, I admit that I participated in this illegal discharge of wastewater. However, I am not the only person responsible. In fact, this It is an action directed by top management to reduce costs and increase profits."

Qi Lin frowned slightly. He understood that the scope of this case was far wider than what appeared on the surface. After careful consideration, he asked: "So, are you willing to cooperate with our investigation and provide more key evidence to expose the entire criminal network?"

Zhang Lei took a deep breath and replied firmly: "Yes, I do. These illegal behaviors have posed a serious threat to the surrounding environment and the health of residents, and I can no longer stand by and watch."

700 Qi Lin felt relieved, knowing that this was an important breakthrough. After discussing with Li Shan, he decided to protect Zhang Lei's safety and use her testimony as key evidence.

In the next few days, Qi Lin and Li Shan conducted a secret investigation with Zhang Lei. They collected a large number of relevant documents, recordings and other evidence, revealing the structure of the entire criminal network.

In the end, Qi Lin successfully submitted the case to the local environmental protection department and law enforcement agencies. With the evidence they collected, this criminal network was completely destroyed, and the relevant responsible persons (bifb) were duly punished.

Qi Lin sat at the desk in the office, frowning. He is studying a report on a fraud case, which involves many details and suspicious clues, which makes him very confused.

Suddenly, the door was pushed open and someone walked in hurriedly. He panted and said to Qi Lin: "Mr. Qi! An important clue has been discovered! We need to launch an investigation immediately."

Qi Lin raised his head and looked at the young man. He rubbed his temples and said with a smile: "Very good, your arrival is just in time. Please sit down and tell me everything you discovered."

After the young man sat down, he handed the information in his hand to Qi Lin. He explained: "According to my investigation, this case seems to be related to a company called 'Jinyuan Chemical'. They are suspected of falsifying product test reports in order to obtain higher sales."

Qi Lin took the information and read it intently. He asked: "How did you get this information?"

The young man replied: "I used to be an employee of Jinyuan Chemical, but I resigned recently. Before I left my job, I noticed some abnormal behavior, so I started investigating. By analyzing the company's internal documents and employee confessions, I found Some doubts.

Qi Lin nodded, expressing understanding. He then asked: "Do you have any concrete evidence to support your suspicions?"

The young man said: "These are several copies of documents showing the differences between the product test report and the actual situation. In addition, there are also testimonies from some employees indicating that they were asked to falsify data."

Qi Lin studied these documents carefully. After a moment, he raised his head and showed a firm smile: "You did a good job. These clues are very important. We must take action immediately."

In the next few days, Qi Lin and the young people launched a large-scale investigation. They interviewed Jinyuan Chemical's employees, collected more evidence, and conducted an in-depth study of the company's operations. .

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