This case was an unprecedented challenge for Qilin. He found that the people involved in it were extremely powerful, and it became extremely difficult to track their actions. However, Qi Lin refused to back down. He believed that as long as the truth was revealed, the essence of the facts could be restored.

After months of hard work, Qi Lin finally destroyed this huge criminal network. His persistence and intelligence made him the embodiment of justice, and he once again won victory in the pursuit of the truth.

However, although the case has been solved, Qi Lin does not have complete peace in his heart. He realizes that there will always be all kinds of evil in the world, and as a detective, he has a heavy responsibility and an eternal mission.

Qi Lin was sitting in the office, tapping the table with 520 fingers. He is a senior detective who has experienced countless cases over the years, but the love-murder case in front of him made him feel troubled. The scene of the crime was a luxurious villa. The deceased was a young and beautiful woman, and the suspect was her husband.

Qi Lin opened his laptop and began to sort out the investigation records of the crime scene. He needs to find all possible clues to solve this mystery. The phone rang suddenly, interrupting his thoughts.

"Mr. Qi Lin, there is a person who claims to be a witness at the crime scene. He said he has important clues to tell you." The voice of the (cjca) police station came from the other end of the phone.

"Let him come in immediately." Qi Lin hung up the phone with a trace of expectation in his heart.

After a while, a plainly dressed middle-aged man walked into Qi Lin's office. He looked at Qi Lin nervously, not knowing where to start.

"Hello, my name is Qi Lin. Do you have any important clues that you can provide me with?" Qi Lin asked with a smile.

"Yes, sir. I am a neighbor of this villa. I heard some strange noises last night." The middle-aged man said.

"Please describe the sound you heard in detail." Qi Lin sat back on his chair and listened intently.

"At about ten o'clock last night, I was getting ready to rest when I suddenly heard screams coming from the villa. I immediately went out to check and found that the door of the villa was open, but I didn't see anyone leaving." The middle-aged man recalled road.

"Then did you see any suspicious people or vehicles?" Qi Lin asked.

"No, I only saw the door open at that time, and there was no other clue." The middle-aged man shook his head.

Qi Lin thought for a moment and then asked: "Do you know this couple? How is their relationship?"

"They just moved here not long ago, so I'm not familiar with them. But from the outside, they seem to be living quite happily." The middle-aged man replied.

"Okay, thank you very much for the information you provided. I will contact you again if necessary." Qi Lin stood up and said goodbye to the middle-aged man.

Qi Lin thought about the clues he had just heard, and decided to go to the crime scene to investigate in person. He drove to the villa, where the police cordoned off the scene and were conducting investigation work.

"Mr. Qi, this is the on-site investigation report. A young policeman handed this document.

Qi Lin took the document and read it carefully. The report details the deceased's injuries and evidence left at the scene.

"Thank you, I need to be alone for a while, okay?" Qi Lin asked.

"Of course, no problem. If you need anything, come to us at any time." The police officer nodded and left the scene. Qi Lin looked around and began to carefully observe the crime scene. He noticed some faint scratches on the wall, as if something had rubbed them. .

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