"These scratches do not seem to be caused by ordinary furniture or decorations. There may be other items that have caused friction here." Qi Lin thought in his mind.

He knelt down and carefully examined the marks on the floor. Suddenly, he discovered some fibrous material that looked like cloth.

"Is this the murder weapon?" Qi Lin secretly speculated.

He carefully collected the fibers in plastic bags and prepared them to be sent to the laboratory for analysis. At the same time, he also needs to learn more about the relationship between the deceased and the suspect

Qi Lin returned to the police station and began to investigate the background of the deceased and her husband. He discovered that the deceased's name was Yang Meijuan, and she was a successful fashion designer. The husband’s name is Liu Jianguo, and he is an executive of a large company. According to information provided by neighbors, they appeared to be a happy couple.

But Qi Lin knows that there may be unknown secrets hidden under every surface. He decided to find Liu Jianguo and have a detailed conversation with him.

Qi Lin contacted Liu Jianguo and arranged a meeting. Liu Jianguo seemed a little nervous. He sat on the chair and clenched his fists.

"Sir, I am Qi Lin, responsible for investigating the death case of Yang Meijuan. I hope you can help me find out the truth." Qi Lin said straight to the point.

Liu Jianguo frowned and replied in a low voice: "Of course I am willing to assist you. But I know nothing about this case. My wife and I get along very well. I don't believe that she will be killed by me.

"I understand your emotions, but as a detective, I need to understand your activities and interactions before and after the crime. Can you describe to me the last time you met?" Qi Lin asked with concern.

Liu Jianguo was silent for a moment, and then began to describe what happened that night. He said that after he had dinner with his wife, they chatted for a while in the living room. After that, Yang Meijuan went to the bedroom to change clothes and prepare to go out, while he stayed in the living room and watched TV.

"I didn't hear any unusual noises until the police came to the door and informed me that a murder had occurred." Liu Jianguo's voice was full of helplessness.

Qi Lin thought about Liu Jianguo's statement, and he felt that something was wrong. He decided to return to the crime scene again and re-examine every detail.

Returning to the crime scene, Qi Lin carefully inspected every corner. He noticed scratches on the wall and fibrous material on the floor. Qi Lin conducted an in-depth analysis of these clues and sent the fibrous material to the laboratory for testing. A few days later, the laboratory report came out.

…………Please give me flowers…0

"Sir, we found some interesting results. These fibers come from a special kind of fabric, which is consistent with Yang Meijuan's clothing. Moreover, a trace amount of DNA was also found on the fibers, which belongs to Liu Jianguo." The technician in the laboratory said Reporting.


Qi Lin's eyes lit up. This discovery seemed to have brought an important breakthrough to the case. He called a special meeting with police and prosecutors to detail the latest evidence

"Based on the laboratory analysis results, we can preliminarily infer that Liu Jianguo and Yang Meijuan had a fierce quarrel at the scene of the crime, and may even have had a physical conflict. These scratches and fibers are the traces left by the two fighting." Qi Lin said firmly.

Upon hearing this conclusion, Liu Jianguo's expression became distorted. He began to argue that he did not kill his wife, they just had a quarrel, but did not do it. .

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