"We will check more evidence to ensure that we can draw an accurate conclusion. But for now, the presence of your fingerprints and wife's clothing fibers at the scene is an undeniable fact." Qi Lin said seriously to Liu Jianguo.

After further investigation, Qi Lin finally discovered an important detail. He found another neighbor who heard the sound on the night of the crime, which was consistent with the description of "963" by the previous witness.

"I was smoking on the balcony when I suddenly heard screaming and saw the door of the villa open. I quickly ran to notify the police." The neighbor provided more detailed information.

Qi Lin brought this new clue back to the police station and re-examined the clues of the entire case. Eventually, he uncovered the truth about the murder.

After connecting many clues, Qi Lin discovered the real culprit of the murder. He summoned all the key people, including Liu Jianguo and the two neighbors.

"Based on the evidence, I can confirm that Liu Jianguo is not the murderer." Qi Lin said with certainty. He began to analyze the situation at the crime scene.

"Based on the testimonies of neighbors, we can infer that Yang Meijuan encountered a burglar when she went out on the night of the incident. The burglar tried to cover his tracks, struggled with Yang Meijuan, and strangled her with a piece of string. "Subsequently, he fled the scene, leaving scratches on the wall and fibrous material on the floor." Qi Lin explained in detail0

Everyone present showed surprised expressions. Liu Jianguo felt relieved, but the two neighbors were also surprised and shocked.

Qi Lin continued to explain: "The laboratory's DNA analysis results show that the DNA on the fibrous material is not directly related to Yang Meijuan's clothing and Liu Jianguo's fingerprints.

It was because the thief had worn Yang Meijuan's clothes. This also explains why Liu Jianguo's fingerprints appeared at the crime scene. f

Subsequently, the police investigated the nearby area and collected more evidence. Finally, they found a suspect in an abandoned warehouse. The suspect had a criminal record and matched fingerprints and other evidence at the scene.

Through further interrogation, the suspect admitted his crime. He said that he was a professional thief. That night he noticed that no one seemed to be at home in Yang Meijuan's villa, so he decided to sneak in and steal... However, he did not expect that Yang Meijuan came home. When he tried to escape, Yang Meijuan discovered him, triggering a fight.

In the end, Yang Meijuan was strangled to death by him, and he fled the scene in a hurry, trying to erase all traces.

After a breakthrough in the case, the police arrested the suspect and handed him over to the court for trial. Liu Jianguo finally got rid of the suspicion of murder and "gained his freedom."

The office is filled with collected documents and clues. Qi Lin sat down and began to sort out the information. He found that these cases did not seem to be isolated, but that there was an organization behind them manipulating the situation. 3.9 He began to think about how to find the leaders of this organization and expose their true purpose.

Suddenly, the ringing of the phone broke his meditation. He answered the phone and heard a stranger's voice: "Mr. Qi, I know you are investigating a commercial espionage case. But you have to be careful, this conspiracy is bigger than you think.'

"Who are you? How do you know this?" Qi Lin asked. .

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