Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

793: There Is Important Evidence In The Safe

"I am Anonymous. I have some information about this organization, but I will only tell you over the phone. Their goal is to dominate the market and achieve this goal by stealing the trade secrets of competitors."

"Do you have evidence?" Qi Lin asked.

"I will send the evidence to your office. But you must be careful, they are very cunning, and once they become aware of your investigation, you will be in great danger." Anonymous warned.

Qi Lin felt the tension on the other end of the phone. He knows he's been involved in a dangerous game, but as a detective, he won't back down. He decided to go deeper into perfumery.

Early the next morning, Qi Lin's office doorbell rang. He walked to the door and saw a package lying on the ground. He carefully brought the package back to the office and opened it.

Inside was a notebook and a letter. He picked up the letter and began to read:

"Dear Mr. Qi,

This notebook contains identifying information about the organization's members and detailed plans for their operations. Please read carefully and use these clues to find their headquarters. But remember, their eyes are everywhere and you have to act quickly and carefully.

Good luck to 29,


Qi Lin opened the notebook, which contained detailed records of the names, photos and background information of the organization members. He began to carefully study each person's relationship, trying to find the connection between them.

A few hours later, Qi Lin came to an important conclusion: this organization was hidden behind a company called "Technology Pioneer". The company is one of the most influential technology giants in the market and possesses a large number of trade secrets and core technologies.

Qi Lin disguised himself as a workplace elite and successfully entered a technology pioneer company. He kept his identity hidden and began to connect with employees to get more information. He found that the members of this organization were employees in senior positions and had high status and influence within the company.

Through conversations with employees, Qi Lin learned that this organization used various means to steal competitors' trade secrets and used them as its own advantage to expand market share. They used a variety of covert methods, including hacking, espionage, and internal conspiracy, to carry out these operations.

Qi Lin realized that in order to expose the entire organization and stop their activities, he needed to find their headquarters and collect more evidence. He decided to temporarily stay inside the company, looking for clues, and at the same time collecting enough evidence to bring them to justice.

In a conversation with an employee, Qi Lin heard about a key figure named Li Wenxuan. Li Wenxuan is the senior vice president of Technology Pioneer and one of the core figures of this organization. He holds the organization's secrets and is responsible for directing guest operations.

Qi Lin decided to make Li Wenxuan the next subject of investigation. By analyzing clues and communicating with other employees, he discovered that Li Wenxuan often held meetings at a specific location, which may be the headquarters of their organization.

Qi Lin decided to find that specific location, see it with his own eyes and collect more evidence. He quietly followed Li Wenxuan for several days and finally determined the location of the headquarters - a warehouse hidden in the urban area.

Late at night, Qi Lin quietly came to the warehouse. He carefully bypassed the guards and entered the warehouse. In the darkness, he saw an astonishing picture - ten groups of members plotting their next action plan.

Qi Lin quickly took out his camera and filmed this scene. At the same time, he noticed a safe full of documents, where there may be more important evidence. He started looking for a way to open the safe.

After some hard work, Qi Lin successfully opened the safe, which was filled with various confidential documents and electronic equipment. The documents confirmed the group's criminal behavior and collusion between them and other companies.

Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly heard footsteps. He quickly hid and saw Li Wenxuan and one of his men walking into the warehouse. They discover the open safe and realize someone has broken into their headquarters.

Qi Lin grabbed the camera tightly and decided not to stay any longer. He carefully left the warehouse and successfully escaped Li Wenxuan's pursuit. After returning to the office, he organized the collected evidence and prepared to hand it over to the police.

Qi Lin handed over the collected evidence to the police and detailed the operation of the entire organization and the identities of its members. The police expressed appreciation for his investigation and efforts and promised to take action as soon as possible.

As the investigation progressed, many members of the organization were arrested and faced charges. There has also been a large-scale investigation and rectification within the company to ensure that similar incidents will not happen again. Commercial espionage cases in the market have been greatly reduced, and the competitive environment has begun to return to normal.

However, Qi Lin did not stop. While exposing this organization, he realized that there was a bigger man behind the scenes. This organization is just one of its branches, and there may be a larger force behind it controlling everything.

He decided to investigate further and find the mastermind hiding in the shadows. By studying the clues and information collected previously, he found that there was some connection between the members of the organization, but the truth was still unclear.

Qi Lin began to secretly collect more information and cooperated with other detectives and intelligence agencies. They share 077 intelligence, and everyone investigates in different fields. After a period of hard work, they finally found an important connection point.

The man behind the scenes appears to be a vast network of multiple organizations that operate globally and use commercial espionage as a means to achieve their own goals. They influence the global market structure by mastering key business and technological secrets, thereby gaining huge profits and power.

Qi Lin studied this network in depth and gradually connected the activities of various organizations. There are complex relationships and transactions between them, but the core goal remains the same - to exploit the market and obtain huge profits.

Qi Lin decided to expose this huge commercial espionage network to let the public and the international community understand this conspiracy that harms the global business environment. He compiled all the evidence and prepared to disclose it to the media and relevant institutions.

After a series of interviews, this shocking truth was finally revealed to the world. News media reported the existence of this industrial espionage network and its impact on global markets. International organizations and governments have taken action one after another to jointly combat this dark force.

As the truth was exposed, various branches of the commercial espionage network began to be hunted down and eliminated. Their members have been arrested, their assets have been frozen, and their actions have been closely monitored. .

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