Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

795: The Man Behind The Scenes Controls Everything

The case was eventually tried in court, and the suspect and others involved in the case were punished by law. Qi Lin saw that justice was being done, and he felt a sense of satisfaction and achievement in his heart.

Detective Qi Lin took a long breath. He experienced many bad situations in the arson case, but finally successfully solved this thrilling case. Now, he is sitting in his office, sorting out the documents and notes of the case.

Suddenly, he heard a knock on the door outside the office.

"Please come in!" Qi Lin shouted.

The door opened and a young woman came in. She looked anxious.

"Mr. Qi, I am Cao Qing. I have an arson case that needs your help. I hope you can accept this task." The woman said.

Qi Lin frowned. He didn't like dealing with arson cases one after another, but Cao Qing's eyes revealed a mixture of innocence and fear, which attracted Qi Lin's attention.

"Okay, Miss Cao, please sit down and tell me the details of this case." Qi Lin pointed to the chair opposite.

After Cao Qing sat down, she began to describe an arson incident in a building near her home. She described the entire 130 process and the suspicious characters she witnessed. Qi Lin listened carefully and took some notes.

"Miss Cao, I will try my best to help you solve this arson case. But before I start, I need more information." Qi Lin said.

Cao Qing nodded, and handed a piece of paper from her pocket to Qi Lin, with a name and address written on it.

"This is the name of the suspect I found and where he may be hiding. I think you can start the investigation from here." Cao Qing hoped that Qi Lin could find the truth.

"Okay, I will investigate this person's background and whereabouts. Miss Cao, please keep in touch. If there are any new clues or situations, please tell me immediately." Qi Lin said.

A few days later, Qi Lin found the suspect's location. He approached quietly, but suddenly, he felt an unusual atmosphere.

A gunshot broke the tranquility, and Qi Lin quickly took cover. He saw a man rushing out of the building and ran away.

"Stop! Police!" Qi Lin shouted, then chased after him.

During the chase, there was a heated conversation between Qi Lin and the suspect.

"What are you running from? Why did you set the fire? Tell me the truth!" Qi Lin asked breathlessly.

The suspect looked nervous and angry. He gritted his teeth and replied: "There are secrets in that building that I want to protect. I only set the fire to protect it!"

Qi Lin stopped and his eyes became serious. He realizes that the case may involve deeper secrets and conspiracies. He decided to give the suspect a chance to explain himself.

"I understand you have your own story, but arson is unacceptable behavior. If you want to solve the problem, please cooperate with the police investigation and tell me everything about this secret. Maybe we can find other more reasonable solutions." Qi Lin said calmly.

The suspect stopped, his eyes flashing with hesitation and distrust.

"Can you guarantee my safety? If I tell you the truth, will you protect me?" the suspect asked.

Qi Lin looked at the suspect seriously and replied firmly: "As long as you are willing to cooperate with the investigation and provide true information, I will try my best to protect your safety.

Seeing Qi Lin's firm expression, the suspect finally let down his guard and began to tell the whole story.

It turned out that there was an important document hidden inside the arson building, which revealed a huge corruption case involving senior government officials and corporate groups. The suspect was an insider of an organization. After learning the secret, he decided to protect the document from being destroyed.

After listening to the suspect's story, Qi Lin thought silently in his heart. The plot gradually unfolds, and we get closer to the truth step by step. He understood that the case he faced was not just an arson case, but involved a deeper conspiracy.

"I understand your motivation, but the way to solve the problem cannot be arson. We need to find other ways to reveal the truth and bring the criminals to justice." Qi Lin said seriously.

Qi Lin cooperated with the suspect and began to investigate, looking for more evidence and clues. Through hard work, they discovered a key figure in the corruption network and the mastermind behind everything.

In the intense tracking and hiding operations, a strange cooperative relationship was established between Qi Lin and the suspect. They face difficulties and dangers together, supporting and trusting each other.

In the end, they successfully collected enough evidence to arrest the mastermind and revealed the truth about the entire corruption case. The case shocked the entire society and drew attention to the issue of corruption.

Qi Lin successfully solved the arson case and revealed a larger conspiracy, but he also understood that this was only a small part of the many cases.

On a cold winter night, Qi Lin was sitting in his office, reviewing the road he had traveled. He thought of Cao Qing, who had anxiously asked him for help. He wanted to know if she had solved the secrets she mentioned, if she had found inner peace.

Just then, the office door was knocked again.

"Please come in!" Qi Lin shouted.

The door opened slowly, and Cao Qing stood at the door, her eyes shining with gratitude and enthusiasm.

"Mr. Qi, I found that document and revealed all the secrets. Thank you for your help, you changed my life." Cao Qing said excitedly.

Qi Lin stood up with a smile and shook hands with Cao Qing.

Cao Qing looked at Qi Lin gratefully, and she understood that without Qi Lin's help, she might never be able to solve the secret.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Qi. I will always remember your help and trust." Cao Qing said sincerely.

As Cao Qing left, Qi Lin returned to his desk again and reorganized the case documents and notes. He knows that he still has many unsolved mysteries waiting for him to solve, and more people need his help.

Qi Lin knows that he shoulders the responsibility to protect the innocent and restore the truth. He is willing to contribute his wisdom and courage to this society and fight for justice.

Detective Qi Lin walked into the office of the police station with a report on the abduction case in front of him. He has just cracked a case that has troubled the police for a long time, and now needs to communicate and report to the police chief.

"Director, I finally found the key clue to the trafficking case. I believe we can uproot this criminal network." Qi Lin said, with confidence and determination in his eyes

Police Chief Li Ming looked at Qi Lin and frowned slightly. He had both expectations and doubts about the young detective.

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