Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

796: Discover Clues And Solve The Mystery

"Qi Lin, this case is not to be underestimated. Can you give me a detailed introduction to your reasoning process?

Qi Lin nodded, and then began to tell Li Ming:

"During the investigation, I discovered the connection between several trafficking cases. These cases all seemed to involve the same person, a suspect named Zhang Qiang. After an in-depth investigation, I found that there was a huge criminal network behind him. In order to break this network, I need to find a clue first and then solve the mystery from it.

"How did you find this clue?" Li Ming~ asked.

"By analyzing the scene traces of each case and the victim's testimony, I found one thing in common: all the crimes occurred near the same community. In addition, one victim claimed that he had been beaten by a stranger before the crime. People were lured to a park, which happened to be located in this community. These clues gradually pointed to the location of the suspect Zhang Qiang.

"But this is just a clue. How did you further confirm his identity?" Li Ming asked.

"I dug deep into Zhang Qiang's background and worked with other detectives to collect a lot of relevant information. We found that Zhang Qiang was a member of an illegal trafficking gang but left the organization a few years ago. He lived in that community and Maintaining a low profile. I believe he restarted his criminal activities and expanded them throughout the city. We also discovered his secret hideout, which was an abandoned factory."

"This sounds incredible. How did you find his hiding place?" Li Ming asked in surprise.

"By analyzing the surveillance video around the crime scene and using the experience I accumulated during the investigation, I discovered a van that often appeared nearby. After further investigation, I found that the van was owned by Zhang Qiang's accomplice .And this abandoned factory is where they hide criminal evidence and trafficked victims.

After listening to Qi Lin's narrative, Li Ming nodded with satisfaction.

Thank you, Director, for your compliment. But that's not all, I also need your support and assistance to complete the final move. I have prepared a detailed combat plan, hoping to capture Zhang Qiang and his accomplices at the right time, as well as rescue the trafficked victims. If we can successfully execute this plan, it will cause a devastating blow to the entire criminal network.

Li Ming thought seriously for a while, then nodded.

"Qi Lin, I believe in your ability and determination. This case is very important and we cannot miss any opportunity. Your combat plan sounds very promising, and I will send the elite personnel of the SWAT team to join your operation. Ensure that our Actions are targeted and efficient while protecting innocent people as much as possible. Is there anything you need me to do?

Qi Lin looked at Li Ming gratefully.

"Director, I hope to get more intelligence, especially about Zhang Qiang's latest activities and the identity of his accomplices. If we can have more information, it will help us formulate a better action plan. In addition, I We also need your support to ensure that we have the necessary resources and equipment for our operations. I believe that as long as we work together, we will be able to successfully eradicate this criminal network.

Li Ming nodded solemnly.

"Qi Lin, all your requirements can be met. I will mobilize the police to collect more intelligence and ensure that you have sufficient support and equipment. This case is very important to the entire society, and we must not let any criminal off the hook. .At the same time, I hope you will also pay attention to your own safety and not take risks. We need your wisdom and talent to serve the society for the long term.

Qi Lin expressed his gratitude, then discussed the details with Li Ming and formulated the next action plan. After an intense and fulfilling discussion, Qi Lin left the police station and prepared to implement the plan.

In the next few days, Qi Lin and the SWAT team launched a secret operation. They collected a large amount of intelligence and analyzed the activity patterns and hiding places of Zhang Qiang and his accomplices. After careful deployment, it was finally time to take action.

Late one night, Qi Lin and the SWAT team members quietly entered the abandoned factory. They quickly cut off the power supply and began searching in the dark.

"Zhang Qiang, your game ends here! Come out!" Qi Lin's voice was full of determination and determination.

Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps, and several suspects emerged from the darkness. A fight breaks out. The SWAT team engages in a fierce confrontation with the suspect. Qi Lin focuses on finding the victims and rescuing them.


Finally, amid gunfire and shouts, all suspects were successfully subdued. Qi Lin led the SWAT team to find the imprisoned victims and rescued them. In this tense operation, Qi Lin demonstrated excellent leadership and detective skills.

When everything calmed down and the victims left the abandoned factory safely, Director Li Ming walked towards Qi Lin in person, with eyes full of admiration and gratitude.

"Qi Lin, you did a great job! Not only did you successfully solve this trafficking case, you also safely rescued a group of imprisoned victims. You are the pride of our police station!"


Qi Lin smiled modestly and expressed his gratitude to the director.

"Chief, this is just what I should do. I believe that everyone should fight for justice and protect innocent lives. The success of this operation cannot be separated from the efforts and support of the entire team. The SWAT team members have paid a lot of efforts." Effort and sacrifice. The goal of our joint efforts is to fight crime and maintain social peace and justice.

Detective Qi Lin walked into the office of the police station with a report on the abduction case in front of him. He has just cracked a case that has troubled the police for a long time, and now needs to communicate and report to the police chief.

"Director, I finally found the key clue to the trafficking case. I believe we can uproot this criminal network." Qi Lin said, with confidence and determination in his eyes

Police Chief Li Ming looked at Qi Lin and frowned slightly. He had both expectations and doubts about the young detective.

"Qi Lin, you are an excellent detective, but this case should not be underestimated. Can you give me a detailed introduction to your reasoning process?

Qi Lin nodded, and then began to tell Li Ming:

"During the investigation, I discovered the connection between several trafficking cases. These cases all seemed to involve the same person, a suspect named Zhang Qiang. After an in-depth investigation, I found that there was a huge criminal network behind him. In order to break this network, I need to find a clue first and then solve the mystery from it. Shi".

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