"You are already in trouble. Now, explain your crimes!" Qi Lin questioned the arrested people sternly.

During the interrogation process, these people confessed their crimes one after another and revealed the conspiracy behind them. It turned out that they were instructed by a timber company. In order to obtain more tree resources, they secretly cut down trees around the town and sold them to the company.

Through investigation and investigation, Qi Lin and John successfully brought this criminal organization to justice. They submitted the collected evidence to the court and ensured justice was served.

As the criminal organization was disbanded and its members arrested, the residents of the town regained peace. They were grateful for the peace and justice Qilin and John had brought.

Detective Qi Lin walked into a sewage discharge company located on the outskirts of the city. He was wearing a black suit and a pair of sunglasses, looking handsome and mysterious. He knows very well that there may be huge secrets hidden behind this seemingly ordinary company.

Qi Lin came to the company's reception desk and greeted the front desk lady: "Hello, I am Qi Lin, here to investigate the case of this company's sewage discharge."

The lady replied nervously: "Are you a police officer?"

Qi Lin smiled and said: "I am a private detective who specializes in handling such problems. Now I need to talk to the relevant personnel responsible for environmental protection."

The lady nodded and led Qi Lin to a conference room. While waiting, Qi Lin carefully observed the surrounding environment. The walls of the conference room are covered with certificates of honor for the company's environmental protection efforts, and everything seems to be normal.

After a while, a middle-aged man walked into the conference room. He said slightly anxiously: "Hello, I am the environmental protection director of the company, just call me Manager Ruan. Excuse me, do you have any questions about our drainage system?"

Qi Lin answered calmly: "First of all, I would like to know how your company's drainage system works. Can you introduce it to me in detail?"

Manager Ruan looked a little uneasy, but patiently began to explain: "Our company's drainage system mainly consists of sewage treatment plants and wastewater pipelines. The sewage will first undergo primary filtration and sedimentation, then secondary filtration and disinfection, and finally Drain it out.”

Qi Lin listened carefully and continued to ask: "Can you tell me whether the sewage you discharge meets the relevant national standards? Is there any excessive discharge or other non-compliance?"

Manager Ruan looked embarrassed and answered hesitantly: "We have always been operating in accordance with the regulations, but some problems have indeed occurred recently. We are actively investigating and strengthening management measures."

Qi Lin's eyes flashed and he said seriously: "If I find that you have violated regulations, I will take corresponding legal measures to protect the environment and the rights and interests of the people.

Manager Ruan's expression became more nervous, and he began to tell some internal company news: "To tell you the truth, there have been some complaints recently claiming that the sewage we discharge has caused pollution to the surrounding environment. But after our investigation, we found that these complaints were just malicious slander. There’s no real evidence.”

After Qi Lin thought for a moment, he decided to investigate the case in depth: "I need to cooperate with you to collect evidence and find out who is deliberately slandering your company's reputation. Only by finding the real culprit can you pay off your reputation."

Manager Ruan showed gratitude: "Thank you very much for your help, Mr. Qi. I am willing to fully cooperate with your investigation and let everyone see our company's innocence."

Qi Lin nodded. He knew that this case was not only related to a company, but also related to the environmental protection issues of the entire society.

Qi Lin and Manager Ruan began to investigate. They first visited surrounding residents to listen to their opinions and complaints about sewage discharge. Through conversations with residents, they discovered some doubts.

A resident told Qi Lin: "In recent months, the river water near my home has become turbid and has a pungent odor. We have complained to the company many times, but have not been effectively resolved."

Another resident also joined the conversation: "In addition to water quality problems, we also discovered some strange phenomena. At night, we often see people entering and exiting the company late at night" and carrying

with some unknown items. "

These clues aroused Qi Lin's vigilance. He decided to dig deeper into the company. Qi Lin asked Manager Ruan to take him to visit the sewage treatment plant and conduct interviews with relevant staff.

At the sewage treatment plant, Qi Lin carefully observed the treatment process in all aspects... He noticed that some important equipment did not seem to have been fully maintained and updated, and there may be hidden dangers. In addition, he also noticed that some employees behaved abnormally, showing nervousness and unnatural expressions.

Qi Lin decided to have one-on-one conversations with these employees to see if he could get more key information. He and Manager Chen conducted interviews with several employees involved in the operation of the drainage system.

A young technician Liu Xiaowen seemed a little timid, but he still answered the question frankly: "I am responsible for monitoring the operation of sewage treatment equipment. Recently, we found some abnormal data, but when I reported it to my supervisor, he asked me not to pay too much attention , and threatened to be fired if internal information was leaked."

Another maintenance engineer, Chen Zhiming, also revealed some important information: “Recently, I noticed that some waste from upstream was discharged directly into our treatment system. But when I reminded my supervisor, he just downplayed the seriousness of the problem. "

Through these conversations, Qi Lin began to suspect that there was a profit-driven black hand within the company. He decided to record these testimonies for subsequent investigation.

Back in the office, Qi Lin and Manager Ruan sorted out all the collected evidence. This evidence shows that the company does have illegal sewage discharge problems and that there are people behind the scenes. Qi Lin believes that these behaviors may involve some 4.1 interest groups who try to obtain improper economic benefits through illegal emissions.

Qi Lin decided to submit all evidence to law enforcement agencies and cooperate with them to conduct further investigations. He believes that only by exposing the truth and holding people accountable can we protect the environment and maintain fairness and justice.

As the case deepened, Qi Lin discovered that this sewage discharge case involved a wider scope and had a greater impact, and may even be related to the ecological environment of the entire city. He firmly believes that his duty is to combat this destructive behavior and protect the rights and interests of the people.

As the investigation deepens, Qi Lin's cooperation with law enforcement authorities has made significant progress. They tracked down the man behind a company called "Green Water Environmental Protection Company", which was suspected of being related to the sewage discharge case. .

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