Qi Lin and law enforcement officers decided to launch a secret investigation into Lushui Environmental Protection Company. Through surveillance cameras, tracking movements and collecting clues, they gradually uncovered the truth behind the company.

They found that Lvshui Environmental Protection Company was actually a fake environmental protection organization with problems in its legality and qualifications. Senior personnel of the company associated with the sewage discharge case used their position and power to obtain bribes from some companies and provide them with false certificates to cover up violations.

Qi Lin and law enforcement officers successfully arrested the main members of Green Water Environmental Protection Company and seized a large amount of evidence, including relevant documents involving bribery, forged certificates and illegal sewage discharge.

During interrogation, these criminals confessed their crimes and identified other relevant persons. They confessed to a series of illegal activities, including intentional pollution of the environment

Taking advantage of one's position to seek personal gain, etc.

This case attracted widespread social attention and media coverage. People 29 highly appreciated the actions of Detective Qilin and law enforcement departments. Their efforts have made great contributions to exposing environmental crimes and protecting the ecological environment.

In the busy and noisy city, Qi Lin is a highly acclaimed detective. He is known for his wisdom and calmness, and can solve seemingly unsolvable mysteries every time. This time, he was involved in an extremely complex fraud case.

The case took place in a well-known art gallery, where precious works of art from all over the world are displayed. A painting claimed to be the work of a master is suspected of being a forgery. Qi Lin received this task and quickly rushed to the gallery site.

When he entered the gallery, he looked very calm. But Qi Lin has rich experience and knows that things are not as they appear on the surface. He started talking to gallery staff, trying to find clues.

Qi Lin first met with the gallery manager Li Wen. Li Wen is a shrewd businessman, but he also realized the seriousness of this incident. Qi Lin asked: "Li Jing, do you think the painting in the gallery is a forgery?"

Li Wen frowned, thought for a moment and then replied: "I'm not sure, but judging from some clues, it seems to be different from the master's work. We need to ensure that every exhibit is authentic."

Qi Lin nodded and continued to ask: "Can you tell me the origin of this painting? How did it enter the gallery?"

After thinking for a moment, Li Wen recalled the process: "This painting was sent to us by an anonymous donor. In any case, we will carefully verify the authenticity of every piece of art, but something seems to have gone wrong this time.

When he heard that the donor was anonymous [Qi Lin's eyebrows raised slightly. He knows that there are unknown stories behind many complex cases. He decided to investigate the mysterious donor further.

After Qi Lin left the gallery, he went to local art circles to find more information about the painting and possible donors. He met with an old friend, John, a well-known painter, hoping to get some valuable clues from him.

John was very interested in the case because he had been troubled by the problem of forged art. He told Qi Lin: "Fake art is very common in the market, but it is not easy to distinguish the authenticity. Maybe we can find some experts to help solve this problem."

Qi Lin agreed with John's proposal and immediately launched an investigation. He contacted the world's leading art certification bodies and invited them to send experts to identify the suspicious work in the gallery.

Soon after, an expert arrived at the gallery. Qi Lin and Li Wen accompanied the experts to conduct a detailed inspection. After a long period of observation and analysis, experts discovered some anomalies in the painting.

Qi Lin and the experts carefully observed the brushstrokes, pigments and details on the painting and found some traces that were not in line with the master's style. They noticed that the use of color and composition were not typical of the master's work.

Experts also conducted further technical appraisals, including using equipment such as infrared rays and microscopes to examine the structure and materials of the paintings. They discovered some hidden signs of restoration, including an obvious flaw that the forger had crudely covered up.

This evidence suggests that the painting is likely an elaborate forgery. However, who is the forger? Qi Lin continues to return to John to ask more relevant questions.

John recalled: “A few months ago, I attended a private art exhibition, and a mysterious collector revealed some information to me. He said that someone was forging several master-class works on the market and trying to They flow into the formal art circle through donations.”

Qi Lin was shocked by this and decided to investigate the identity of the mysterious collector in depth. Through relevant channels, he traced the contact information of the collector [and successfully contacted him

After some conversation, the mysterious collector admitted that he had been involved in forgery and provided important clues about this painting and other forgeries. He revealed to Qi Lin the existence of a gang that carefully planned and produced these forgeries and then introduced them to the market through donations.

Qi Lin continues to investigate the gang in depth, looking for more evidence and the identities of other members. By tracking the flow of funds, analyzing various cultural relics transaction records, and using technical means, he slowly pieced together the clue chain of the entire case.

During the investigation, Qi Lin discovered several seemingly unrelated incidents, such as a bug being discovered during an art exhibition and several gallery insiders suspected of accepting bribes. As the investigation deepens, these seemingly scattered clues are gradually connected, outlining a larger conspiracy.

In the end, Qi Lin successfully uncovered the entire gang members and launched a well-designed arrest operation. With the help of the police, they arrested all criminals.

Through interrogation and evidence collection, Qi Lin learned that this gang did not hesitate to manufacture counterfeit works of art in order to obtain high profits, and brought them to the market through conspiracy. They also bribed gallery insiders to ensure the forgeries would be authenticated and displayed.

In the end, Qi Lin handed over the forgery and evidence of the people involved to the police and apologized to Li Wenhe Gallery.

Qi Lin explained to Li Wen: "It is difficult for even experienced experts to identify all the forgeries, and this is not a personal mistake on the part of the gallery. This gang is very cunning and has adopted a variety of deceptive methods to confuse the public." ."

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