Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

804: Bait To Lure The Prisoner Into Taking The Bait

Li Wen nodded gratefully and expressed his admiration and understanding to Qi Lin. He understood that this was not just a simple counterfeiting case, but also a problem involving the entire art market.

After solving the case, Qi Lin also cooperated with the police to further investigate and crack down on other similar art forgery gangs. Not only did he help expose more forgeries, he also restored some integrity to the art market.

Although the case has been resolved, Qi Lin is not satisfied. He knows that art forgery is a large and complex network that requires more efforts to truly eliminate. Therefore, he decided to take this issue as a long-term goal and continue to devote himself to investigations and crackdowns in this field.

In the coming days, Qilin continued to work hard to gradually eliminate the existence of many forgeries through cooperation with artists, experts and law enforcement agencies. His efforts have set a new standard for the art market and won the respect and trust of more people.

Through Qi Lin's perseverance, the art market began to establish a stricter review system to ensure that every work displayed was authentic and reliable. Experts have strengthened their techniques for authenticating and authenticating artworks, while galleries and collectors have become more vigilant to avoid counterfeiting.

Over time, the art market regained some integrity and gained public trust. Qi Lin's reputation quickly spread in the industry, and he became a symbol of justice and integrity. Whether in the art world or elsewhere, people admired his intelligence and courageous integrity.

However, Qi Lin knew that his work was not over. He always regards protecting integrity as his mission and works tirelessly to find and expose the truth hidden behind lies. He knows that only through persistence and hard work can justice defeat evil and bring a clear sky to society.

Qi Lin took a sip of hot coffee and sat on the sofa in the apartment, thinking about the details of the case. Qi Lin is known for his intelligence and calm analysis. This time, he was entrusted to investigate a fire case. This was already the third similar incident.

The phone rang, Qi Lin answered the call and heard the police's voice saying: "Mr. Qi, we need your help. We can't find any clues, but your previous investigation records show that you are the best person to solve the mystery." Candidate ``.

Qi Lin smiled and replied: "No problem, I will try my best to help you solve this case. Please provide me with all relevant information."

Soon after, Qi Lin rushed to the scene. The police have cordoned off the entire area and collected some evidence from the explosion site. Qi Lin crossed the cordon and carefully observed the surrounding environment.

He found that the explosion point was located inside an abandoned warehouse, with a large amount of broken glass, bricks and wood chips remaining at the scene. Qi Lin bent down and carefully inspected the explosion marks on the ground. He noticed that some marks were not caused by explosions, but were artificially created.

"This case doesn't seem to be a simple prank." Qi Lin said to himself.

Suddenly, a police officer came over and handed a folder to Qi Lin. The folder contained destroyed surveillance video footage and victim information.

Qi Lin began to watch the video and carefully read the victim's background information. He realized that these victims had been associated with an organization in the past that was said to specialize in illegal activities.

"They are targets, but why?" thought Lin.

Qi Lin decided to investigate the victim first and contact the local police and other relevant agencies. He picked up his phone, opened his address book, and found the number of a senior police officer named Yang Ming. They had cooperated before.

Yang Ming answered the call, and after hearing Qi Lin's voice, he said happily: "Mr. Qi, I am very happy to cooperate with you again. This case is really difficult, and we need your expertise."

Qi Lin replied: "Officer Yang [I need you to provide the details of the victims and any possible clues. I also want to know whether these people are related to previous similar incidents

Yang Ming was silent for a moment, and then said: "We are doing our best to investigate this information. The victims seem to have had contact with a criminal organization called the Black Dragon Society. They have been accused of smuggling, drug trafficking, and illegal transactions."

Qi Lin thought for a moment and then asked: "Have you found any more information about this organization?"

Yang Ming replied: "We have started tracking, but this organization is very secretive, and we can only get some scattered clues. According to our investigation, the Black Dragon Society seems to have been operating underground for a long time, and their members have left almost no trace. trace."

Qi Lin frowned, thinking about how to further dig out information about the Black Dragon Society. He decided to seek help through other channels. So, he contacted his friend Yu Chen, a computer hacker.

Soon after, Yu Chen arrived at the scene. He is a shrewd young man who is good at using technological means to obtain various information.

Qi Lin explained the background of the case to Yu Chen and asked him to help investigate the Black Dragon Society in depth. Yu Chen hesitated for a moment, then said: "||Brother Qi, the Black Dragon Society is a very dangerous organization. They have almost no presence on the Internet. I will do my best, but it may take some time to find out their true identities and whereabouts. "

Qi Lin nodded, expressed understanding, and told Yu Chen that he could spend more time catching this organization. At the same time, he also contacted some people who had interacted with the black dragon in the past, trying to get more clues.

A few days later, Qi Lin received a message from Yu Chen. After his investigation, he found that some members of the Black Dragon Society (Zhao Zhaohao) had played key roles in the bombing, and there seemed to be some connection between them.

Qi Lin immediately informed Yang Ming of these findings. Yang Ming expressed shock, but also felt helpless: "We have always suspected that Black Dragon would be related to these explosions, but there has been a lack of conclusive evidence. Now it seems that your investigation results are consistent with our guesses."

Qi Lin thought for a while and then suggested: "I think we need a bait to lure members of the Black Dragon Society to expose themselves. If we can find someone who can imitate the background of the victim and sneak into the organization, we may be able to get more clues. "

Yang Ming nodded in agreement, and they decided to work together to formulate a plan. They found a young man named Li Yang whose background was very similar to the victims. They carefully planned Li Yang's identity and background, and provided him with the necessary skills and equipment. .

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