Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

805: Listen To The Other Person’S Story

A few weeks later, Li Yang successfully penetrated into the Black Dragon Club. Through his eyes, Qi Lin and Yang Ming were able to spy on the activities of this criminal organization. They discovered that members of the Black Dragon Society were plotting a larger bombing.

Qi Lin and Yang Ming took immediate action to block the explosion target and notified the trusted SWAT team to conduct arrest operations. In a tense and fierce battle, they finally captured all the core members of the Black Dragon Society.

The case has achieved a major breakthrough, and the public highly appreciates the efforts of Qilin and Yang Ming. Their cooperation not only thwarted the Black Dragon Society's conspiracy, but also solved the mystery of a series of explosion cases. Qi Lin and Yang Ming were commended by the police and became the focus of media attention.

At the press conference, Qi Lin was interviewed by reporters. He admitted that the detection of this case was not the work of one person, but the result of the cooperation of many parties. He thanked Yang Ming, Yu Chen and all other personnel involved in the investigation, pointing out that their professionalism and team spirit played a vital role in the smooth resolution of the case.

Reporters asked questions about the details of the case and Qi Lin's investigation process. Qi Lin patiently answered every question and shared his own thinking and analysis methods. He emphasized the importance of accuracy and careful observation of evidence, and remaining calm and rational when solving puzzles.

"As a detective, we need to integrate ourselves into the case and think about the motives and behavior patterns of criminals. By continuously accumulating experience and knowledge, we can improve the success rate of solving cases." Qi Lin said affectionately.

As the press conference ended, Qi Lin received many messages of thanks and praise. He deeply feels that the work he is engaged in is meaningful and can help innocent people obtain justice and safety.

The conclusion of the case does not mean the end of Qi Lin's mission. He knows that there are still many unsolved mysteries waiting for him to uncover. He is determined to continue to pursue the truth and bring more peace and justice to society.

Qi Lin was sitting in his office, thinking about the latest smuggling case. This is a complex case involving a large amount of smuggling activities, and he needs to find clues to catch the gang. Suddenly, the phone ringing broke the silence in the room.

"Hey, Qi Lin's office, is there anything I can help you with?" Qi answered the phone.

"Mr. Qi, I am Robertson. I heard that you are the most powerful detective. I hope you can help me solve a problem.

"Please tell me the specific situation, Mr. Robertson, and I will try my best to help you solve the problem." Qi Lin slightly adjusted his seat and prepared to listen to the other party's story.

"I am the operator of a freight company, and we have encountered some troubles recently. We found that some goods disappeared during transportation, and we suspected that this was related to smuggling activities. We have called the police, but the police have made no progress. So, I would like to ask you to investigate this case.

Qi Lin listened attentively and thought about how to handle this case. He decided to answer Mr. Robertson: "Thank you very much for your trust in me. I will rush to the freight company as soon as possible to investigate this case. Please prepare the relevant information and wait for my arrival.

Qi Lin grabbed his detective toolbox and rushed to the freight company. When he arrived, he was struck by the huge pile of documents and records.

"Mr. Robertson, can Tao show me all the documents related to this case?" Qi Lin asked.

Mr. Robertson handed Qi Lin a thick stack of documents, which included cargo lists, transportation routes and driver information.

Qi Lin studied these documents carefully, looking for any information that could provide him with clues. After reading several documents, he discovered an important pattern.

"It seems that our target is the dark forces within the freight company. They use their positions to cover up smuggling activities by modifying records." Qi Lin shared the results of his analysis with Mr. Robertson.

"So how do you think the (cjbj) investigation should proceed?" Mr Robertson asked.

"We need to gather more evidence so we can bring them to justice. I need some time to investigate this case and will need to conduct one-on-one interviews with your staff. We must ensure we have enough evidence to prosecute those involved in smuggling active people.

Qi Lin began his investigation. He interviewed employees of the freight company one by one, asking them if they had noticed any suspicious behavior or if they knew anything about smuggling activities. After some hard work, Ou Lin finally obtained several important clues.

He took these clues back to his office, carefully sorted them out and formulated a detailed action plan. He understands that only when he can organically connect these clues and find conclusive evidence can he expose the dark forces and bring them to justice.

Qi Lin decided to start with the route where the goods disappeared. He carefully studied the driver and vehicle information involved in each case and found that several of them frequently appeared in multiple cases. This made him suspicious.

He summoned the drivers for interviews and adopted an unusual tactic. He simulated a smuggling transaction and spread the news to these drivers to see if any of them would reveal their flaws.

A few days later, Qi Lin received an anonymous email, which provided a specific time and place, saying that a major smuggling transaction was about to occur. Qi Lin knew that this was their last chance, and he decided to lead the police there in person.

That night, Qi Lin and the police lurked near the target location of the smuggling transaction, preparing to catch the criminals. After a long wait, I finally saw a group of suspicious vehicles passing by.

"Action!" Qi Lin issued the order, and the police quickly dispatched to surround the suspicious vehicle.

During the fierce exchange of fire and encirclement, all members of the smuggling gang were arrested. Qi Lin and the police searched the vehicle and discovered a large amount of smuggled goods. This evidence can prove the illegal activities of smuggling gangs.

After thoroughly cleaning the scene, Qi Lin returned to the office and notified Mr. Robertson.

Mr. Robertson, we have successfully cracked the smuggling case [all persons involved have been arrested. Your trucking company can resume normal operations. "Qi Lin reported the good news to Mr. Robertson.

"Mr. Qi, I am very grateful for your help. You are a real hero!" Mr. Robertson said with gratitude.

"It's just my job. It is an obligation and responsibility for me to be able to solve this problem. If there is anything else that needs my help, please feel free to tell me." Qi Lin replied humbly.

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