After this successful investigation and solving of the case, Qi Lin's reputation further expanded. He continued to accept various cases and won the trust and admiration of more people with his excellent detective skills.

Qi Lin stretched himself. This was the most difficult love murder case he had solved in many years. He was sitting in his office, sorting out the case information, and happily recalled the suspenseful investigation process.

Just as he was secretly proud of his intelligence, a familiar voice suddenly reached his ears: "Qi Lin, you are really amazing! I have never seen such outstanding detective work."

Qi Lin turned around and saw a familiar and beautiful face, that was his assistant Li Yuxin. She has always been loyal and capable to him, giving him help and support.

"Thank you, Xinxin." Qi Lin said with a smile, "Without your assistance, I might not have been able to solve the case so smoothly. 11

"You're welcome." Li Yuxin pursed her lips, "Qilin, why are you always so humble? You have a kind of innate insight and logical thinking. You are really a natural detective."

Qi Lin gently patted Li Yuxin on the shoulder, "You praise me too much. However, we are indeed a perfect pair."

Suddenly, the office door opened and a young and charming man walked in. This man's name is Du Ming, and he is the victim's fiancé.

"Are you Mr. Qi Lin?" Du Ming asked.

Qi Lin nodded, "Yes, I am Qi Lin. Are you the victim's fiancé? Please sit down."

Du Ming looked a little nervous after sitting down. He cleared his throat and began to tell what happened: "That night, my fiancée Wang Li and I had dinner at home. At this time

Doorbell rang. I opened the door and saw Wang Li's ex-boyfriend Huang Kai.

Qi Lin frowned, "It's Huang Kai..."

"Yes, they haven't contacted each other since they broke up. I thought it was strange at the time why he suddenly appeared at the door. But I didn't stop him from coming in. Du Ming continued

"Then what?" Qi Lin asked.

"After Huang Kai came in, he started to argue with Wang Li. I tried my best to comfort them, but the two of them became more and more agitated. Suddenly, I heard a gunshot." Du Ming couldn't stop shaking, "When I turned around , Wang Li fell in a pool of blood."

Qi Lin listened to Du Ming's statement silently, thinking about the details of the case. This love murder case does not seem to be simple, and the murderer may be the victim's ex-boyfriend.

"Mr. Du Ming, can you tell me where Huang Kai went?" Qi Lin asked.

Du Ming hesitated, but finally told the truth: "Huang Kai escaped, but I know he was hiding in a small town called Red Deer." " Du Ming added, "We once went there together for vacation. "

Qi Lin thought for a moment, and then said to Li Yuxin: "Xinxin, we are going to the town of Red Deer to hunt down Huang Kai. He is likely to be a suspect in this case."

Li Yuxin nodded. She knew that Qi Lin always had keen insight. They immediately packed their luggage and set off for the small town of Red Deer.

When they arrived at the town, it was already dark. Qi Lin and Li Yuxin found a local hotel and settled down. Qi Lin took out the case information and began to review relevant clues

Early the next morning, they went to the police station to contact the local police. Qi Lin requested the police to provide assistance so that the suspect could be captured and brought to justice as soon as possible.

After some investigation, they learned that Huang Kai had rented an apartment in a small town. Qi Lin and Li Yuxin hurried to the apartment, hoping to find some useful clues.

They opened the door of Huang Kai's apartment, and the room was filled with an old and dusty smell. Qi Lin carefully searched every corner, looking for possible key evidence.

Suddenly, Li Yuxin found a seemingly inconspicuous note. She picked it up carefully and handed it to Qi Lin. The note read: "I killed for her because love has destroyed me.

Qi Lin frowned, trying to understand the truth behind this sentence. He began to think about the suspect's motives and key clues in the case.

"Xinxin, we need to further investigate the victim's past." Qi Lin said, "If we can understand the emotional entanglement between her and Huang Kai, we may be able to find more clues."

So, they found Wang Li's friends and family to talk. Through meticulous inquiries, they gradually learned the story between Kaili and Huang Kai.

…Please give me flowers…

At first, Wang Li and Huang Kai had a deep relationship, but as time went by, they gradually drifted apart. In the end, Wang Li chose to break up and get together with Du Ming.

However, Huang Kai could not accept Wang Li's departure, and he fell into deep despair and anger. The accumulation of this emotion finally gave him extreme thoughts.

Qi Lin and Li Yuxin returned to the apartment and carefully studied the case information and collected clues. "Li Yuxin, I have a hypothesis." Qi Lin said, "Based on the current situation, Huang Kai is probably still in the town."

"Yes, he may have been trying to escape from the police."

Li Yuxin said, "That's right." Qi Lin nodded in agreement. "We must bring Huang Kai to justice as soon as possible because Wang Li will seek justice.


Subsequently, Qi Lin and Li Yuxin began a series of search operations. They retrieved local surveillance video to observe the time and place where Huang Kai last appeared.

During the investigation, they happened to meet a small town resident who claimed to have seen a man sneak into an abandoned villa the night before.

After getting this clue, Qi Lin and Li Yuxin quickly rushed to the location of the villa. When they arrived, they found that the surroundings of the villa were quiet and there was no one in sight.

They entered the villa cautiously, while being alert to the surrounding environment and searching for possible hidden clues.

Suddenly, Li Yuxin's eyes were attracted by a pile of garbage in the corner. When she walked over to check, she was surprised to find a bloody knife.

Qi Lin also came over and carefully observed the blood stains on the knife. He speculated that it was probably the murder weapon used in the murder.

Just as they were about to leave, a rustling sound came. They immediately hid in the corner and secretly observed the direction of the sound.

Then, they saw a thin figure walking down the stairs. That is Huang Kai.

Qi Lin and Li Yuxin tacitly decided to arrest the suspect. In order to ensure safety, they waited for the best time.

When Huang Kai walked to the gate of the villa, Qi Lin and Li Yuxin quickly appeared in front of him and subdued him. Huang Kai struggled for a while, but was eventually arrested and brought to justice. .

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